Into the woods

D810 with 24-70 Nikkor lens ...
1/4 sec f/8 @ ISO 800 at 24mm and some PS/LR
1/4 sec f/8 @ ISO 800 at 24mm and some PS/LR

"Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53
Don, thanks for the very thoughtful comments. I actually was going for dramatic color flare here and I calculated that it would work for a few but not for others. The sunburst and lighting on the trees is completely manufactured in PS/LR. It's analogous to a "harsh" HDR but only consist of the one exposure. In reality the shot is almost entirely green and the leaves in the foreground have essentially no color. Here is the raw file converted to JPG...