Hi and welcome to DGrin!
Can you include a link to the gallery where you'd like to make the change so that the customization helpers could take a look?
On the "About" page, I tried using a text block because it allows full justification. Problem is, it spreads across the whole page and becomes difficult to read. I'd rather use a left- and right-justified caption there, too.
Thanks, Al. Being a complete stranger to html, I do not fully understand.
Where exactly would I enter that code? In a caption? In all captions?
Are you saying that entering it once somewhere will cause all captions site-wide to justify both left and right?
If I can justify captions to eliminate the ragged right edge, I'd prefer to do the same on the About page and ditch the text block. Would there then be any reason to set that page to a static width?
On any page go into customize > Content and Design
Highlight "entire site" at the top of right flyout
Just below that Click "Content" tab
Does "On Entire Site" heading show? If so, does CSS block show above "ADD CONTENT BLOCKS" heading?
Click wrench on it and add below CSS into block and save.
If not, scroll to the bottom of "ADD CONTENT BLOCKS" heading
Click "HTML & CSS" to expand
Drag a CSS block out to page, then click its wrench and add below CSS into block and save.
With "entire site" highlighted you now have a CSS block/widget
/* justify text on all journal style galleries */
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(4) {text-align:justify}
/* about page */
.sm-page-node-mN62K .sm-widget-text {text-align:justify}
Al, many thanks for taking time to walk me through it step by step. This is perfect. One question. It works as intended everywhere but on the About page. If I go into Content and Design for just that page, it shows your CSS block, but it is not right-justifying. I'm likely missing something obvious, but cannot find it. I am entering the caption text same way as on the other pages -- by copying it from a Word doc. I've tried changing the justification parameters on the Word doc, thinking they may be interfering with the CSS block, but it has made no difference. Any thoughts?
Al, many thanks for taking time to walk me through it step by step. This is perfect. One question. It works as intended everywhere but on the About page. If I go into Content and Design for just that page, it shows your CSS block, but it is not right-justifying. I'm likely missing something obvious, but cannot find it. I am entering the caption text same way as on the other pages -- by copying it from a Word doc. I've tried changing the justification parameters on the Word doc, thinking they may be interfering with the CSS block, but it has made no difference. Any thoughts?
Because on that gallery it's the third child.
/* justify text on all journal style galleries */
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(3), /* about page */
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(4) {text-align:justify} [strike] /* about page */
.sm-page-node-mN62K .sm-widget-text {text-align:justify}[/strike]
Can you include a link to the gallery where you'd like to make the change so that the customization helpers could take a look?
SmugMug Support Hero
On the "About" page, I tried using a text block because it allows full justification. Problem is, it spreads across the whole page and becomes difficult to read. I'd rather use a left- and right-justified caption there, too.
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(4) {text-align:justify}
Set the about page to a static width under layout tab.
My Website index | My Blog
Where exactly would I enter that code? In a caption? In all captions?
Are you saying that entering it once somewhere will cause all captions site-wide to justify both left and right?
If I can justify captions to eliminate the ragged right edge, I'd prefer to do the same on the About page and ditch the text block. Would there then be any reason to set that page to a static width?
Highlight "entire site" at the top of right flyout
Just below that Click "Content" tab
Does "On Entire Site" heading show?
If so, does CSS block show above "ADD CONTENT BLOCKS" heading?
Click wrench on it and add below CSS into block and save.
If not, scroll to the bottom of "ADD CONTENT BLOCKS" heading
Click "HTML & CSS" to expand
Drag a CSS block out to page, then click its wrench and add below CSS into block and save.
With "entire site" highlighted you now have a CSS block/widget
My Website index | My Blog
/* justify text on all journal style galleries */
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(3), /* about page */
.sm-tile-info .sm-journal-inlineedit p:nth-child(4) {text-align:justify}
[strike] /* about page */
.sm-page-node-mN62K .sm-widget-text {text-align:justify}[/strike]
My Website index | My Blog
Hey, I knew that. :-) Not.
Thanks again, Al. Much appreciated.