Spindle Splendour
The Spindle-Tree Euonymus europaeus is inconspicuous for most of the year. However, in the autumn the leaves turn dark red and its fruits ripen to a bright pink colour. The final display has the pink capsules opening to show the contrasting orange of the protruding seeds.
I am fortunate to have such a tree in my garden. My only regret is that the final touch would be to have a blue sky behind the capsules but neither the weather nor the location of the tree allows this.
The groups of fruits were photographed with my Kiron 105mm at f16, with a main flash on an L-bracket, but angled almost along the lens axis, and a fill level with the lens. The close-ups were with my Printing Nikkor setup with two fill flashes mounted on the barrel plus the main one on the bracket. This time I had replaced the previous M42 extension tubes with Olympus OM tubes, the FOV being ca 25mm wide.
I would not normally open a set of images with a stereo pair, as not everyone can see the effect, but on this occasion the subject, in my opinion, justifies it. Both stereos are best viewed from further back than the usual viewing distance.

I am fortunate to have such a tree in my garden. My only regret is that the final touch would be to have a blue sky behind the capsules but neither the weather nor the location of the tree allows this.
The groups of fruits were photographed with my Kiron 105mm at f16, with a main flash on an L-bracket, but angled almost along the lens axis, and a fill level with the lens. The close-ups were with my Printing Nikkor setup with two fill flashes mounted on the barrel plus the main one on the bracket. This time I had replaced the previous M42 extension tubes with Olympus OM tubes, the FOV being ca 25mm wide.
I would not normally open a set of images with a stereo pair, as not everyone can see the effect, but on this occasion the subject, in my opinion, justifies it. Both stereos are best viewed from further back than the usual viewing distance.

Thanks. If you can get them framed and in focus you have a winner.
Thanks. There were fewer fruits that in some years, so I had less choice.
These were all at about head height. Because of the weight of the setup, I inverted a domestic broom and placed the bristled end in my left armpit, the handle braced against the ground. I don't think this equipment is widely used.