Incredible Exhibit

I posted a link to this in another post, but I just have to share how amazing Body Worlds is.
Plastinated human bodies, an amazin opportunity to see how we are put together in new ways. Truly incredible.
I originally put an image in this post, but decided it might disturb some, so I removed it.
Plastinated human bodies, an amazin opportunity to see how we are put together in new ways. Truly incredible.
I originally put an image in this post, but decided it might disturb some, so I removed it.
I've seen a documentary about it and thought it was weird at first, but it's so beautifully made and there's no other way you can get such a close look. From a medical point of view it's great but i think it is art as well. There's a long list of people donating their bodies, right?
I dont' know about the donor list. I do know that it changed how I see the human body. It is absolutely incredible how much is packed into such a small space.
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