carbon fiber coolness

I guess this would be a Christmas present to myself
Gitzo 1257, RRS BH-40 ballhead and L bracket

some L-bracket goodness

I even got an arca-swiss style plate for the sony too! Too bad they don't make sony L-brackets
Havn't been out in the field with it yet... I want to repeat some of the shots I took handheld last trip out to Wichita MWR (shots that came out all blurry.....) and I'm waiting on a kirk base plate so I can get all the way to the ground with it. Other nice thing about the kirk plate.... it sits shorter than the center column adjust collar and mounting plate... which is good cause right now with the legs all the way extended I have to stand on my tip toes to see out the viewfinder!!!
Thats it for my camera equipment for the year at least.... Now all my money goes to the wedding and moving :lust:D:clap
Gitzo 1257, RRS BH-40 ballhead and L bracket

some L-bracket goodness

I even got an arca-swiss style plate for the sony too! Too bad they don't make sony L-brackets
Havn't been out in the field with it yet... I want to repeat some of the shots I took handheld last trip out to Wichita MWR (shots that came out all blurry.....) and I'm waiting on a kirk base plate so I can get all the way to the ground with it. Other nice thing about the kirk plate.... it sits shorter than the center column adjust collar and mounting plate... which is good cause right now with the legs all the way extended I have to stand on my tip toes to see out the viewfinder!!!
Thats it for my camera equipment for the year at least.... Now all my money goes to the wedding and moving :lust:D:clap
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
The Blog | The Photos
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
The Blog | The Photos
And I see you managed to get the Sony case you have for sale in the background, shamless product placement
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
I have a old aluminum Bogen 3001NB in this weather it's very cold to the touch.
I did put some pipe insulation on two of the legs that helps.
Congrats on the new toys
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
The Blog | The Photos
Great looking legs!
I have the same model but in the Gitzo Basalt line. It is a thing of beauty. My wife thinks I'm nuts!
You'll have to let us know how the '40 works for you.
That is Soooo nice
Ian... I only played around with it here in the office... but so far I really like the BH40! I'm still finding all sorts of week points in the system though... Not the legs and ballhead... but for example: a tripod collar for the 70-200 would be nice!! and so would a remote shutter release for the sony..... and a nice padded tripod bag.... and.. and....
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
The Blog | The Photos