How to make Sub-folder Appear in 2 Diff Folders, or Gallery Appear in 2 Diff Folders

I was told some time ago that one benefit of New SmugMug is that I could, as my title says, get a sub-folder to show up in 2 different folders, or get a gallery to show up in 2 different sub-folders or folders. (In other words, that there's a way do this without going to all the trouble of creating a bunch of Smart Galleries or Virtual Galleries that are basically copies of those in my 1st folder, & displaying them in a 2nd folder) Of course, the method I just mentioned only works for galleries anyway, not whole sub-folders. Anyway, I'm not finding any way to do this. I can move folders or galleries around in the Organizer (although while dragging, it stupidly doesn't tell you while you're doing it whether it's moving or copying them, so I had to see the result before I saw it was only moving them!) Am I missing something? Pretty please... I hope so... hope that wasn't wrong info.
Anna Lisa Yoder's Images - ... Handmade Photo Notecards: ... Framed/Matted work: ... Scribbles:
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Then add whatever you want in the box.
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DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
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Thanks, yes-- I found that then & started trying some things on this folder page, my top-level "Events" folder: (sorry, it's a little unkempt & I don't have good feature photos yet, & probably won't even keep it in this config.) The instructions on that Help page are rather lacking in telling us exactly how many folders you can gather up, or how many galleries, with the different blocks. There are some major restrictions there which would sure be nice to know ahead of time for planning purposes. Anyway, it gets a bit odd, & I feel I don't quite get the best way to do what I want to do. I think I chose one Folder content block (the "Musical Gatherings" one) & one Galleries content block. (Classic Car Shows) I didn't realize it would give me a separate preview photo for each gallery, so I ended up for now just having one gallery in that block.
If I keep that "Car Shows" block, it'll eventually be a Folder instead, containing several Car Shows galleries. The below stuff gets odd though, & makes me wonder if instead I should just be doing whole Smart Galleries & matching Folders under a 2nd Top Folder that I'm wanting to display those same galleries in? Here's what gets odd:
1. The breadcrumb, & where you end up getting led to when you click on one of those Folders... You end up in the original Folder I have those sub-folders in, & the breadcrumb changes to "Music" being the parent folder instead of "Events". Idk when that would be an actual problem, but might it be odd for visitors? (& in case you see other stuff down the tree that seems to contradict this, yes, I did start making some Smart Galleries instead in this case, just to see the differences), but I'd still like to know how this Content Block nesting works for future reference & organizing I'll be doing soon.
2. The sizing / layout / placement of the blocks on the page was rather funky for me. You can see it's still not quite right. Tops & bottoms of feature photos don't line up, etc. (But you can't see that until you've already made the sizing decisions & hit "Publish". Keeping top margins the same & etc. didn't work & left it all wacky-looking). I had to do a lot of tweaking of margins, percentages, etc. just to get it as presentable as it is now. I'm sure I'm doing something completely wrong, but there's nothing to guide me that I know of. I wish a page like that with a couple added content blocks would be smarter in figuring out its own layout, since I have no idea what it'll do on different devices or different browsers, when it's that hard to even get it looking right on my own. Once you've changed the defaults using the wrench, you never have a way later of knowing what the defaults were, in case they'd help the layout.
3. Decisions about privacy & these types of blocks will face me at some point. I plan to make at least some of the Family / Friends Top folders passworded, so I don't quite understand what happens with Sub-Folders like this that are in effect just displayed on another Folder's page, but in reality (at least if you see them in Organizer & in Nav Menu) are residing elsewhere, inside another Top Folder. In other words, will they inherit the privacy of the Top Folder they actually reside in? (since privacy flows down the chain). I'm thinking so, which would mean they'd still display on a page like that Events page, but if they truly resided in that other folder "Music" & I decided to make "Music" private, then a visitor would need to enter a password to actually see those galleries? If yes, can a Feature photo still be made public or viewable for those passworded galleries / folders?
4. I'm pretty sure I can answer this myself by looking in some subscribed threads, but if I use the Content Block feature for other folders, or more in this Events top folder, I will want to find a way for these blocks to show up as sub-items under the "Events" button in my NavBar when hovered, without every gallery within them showing. Was trying to find a quicker way for visitors to find certain events w/o wading through lots of other Folder display pages.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
If you want the breadcrumb shown with the gallery to show a different folder structure then I believe you would need to use a Smart Gallery. You can put whatever entries you'd like in your menu. If you only want selected entries under a menu item, make sure that you don't select to include folder contents. See
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Instead of publishing changes, you may use the preview button to review them first. If you like what you see in the preview, you may publish it or you could go back to make further changes.
To see the defaults of a content block, you could add the same content block another time to your page.
What matters for privacy settings is the way you have organized your content with the organizer. The visibility and access settings you make on a folder apply to all folders and galleries in that folder. It doesn't matter if you link to a gallery from another page, it'll still inherit the settings of the folder it's located in.
You may set a feature image on any folder, gallery, or page via the settings.
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