Bug odds and sods 02-11

Some recent mixed bug shots from the garden. 5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.
Globular springtail on the undersider of a fallen leaf. About 1.3mm body length. Dicyrtomina saundersi

Bark fly on the car rear window

Orbweb spider portrait

"Large" chalcid wasp on leaf. About 3.5mm body length

Window gnat hanging around in the grass

2-Spot ladybird on camelia bud
Brian V.
Globular springtail on the undersider of a fallen leaf. About 1.3mm body length. Dicyrtomina saundersi

Bark fly on the car rear window

Orbweb spider portrait

"Large" chalcid wasp on leaf. About 3.5mm body length

Window gnat hanging around in the grass

2-Spot ladybird on camelia bud

Thanks SB
Brian V.
Thanks Piggsy
Brian v.