
Eldon SheaEldon Shea Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
edited November 18, 2015 in Street and Documentary
Hello Community. I'm new here after lurking and observing for a long time. I've been shooting for a couple of years while reading and observing in an effort to get closer to the quality of what I've seen here. I'm certainly not there yet, but I'm hoping that your (gentle) critiques of will be helpful.

In LA we have a quarterly event called Cyclavia. They shut down miles of streets in some part of the city and thousands and thousands of people show up to enjoy. Until the Clippers make the playoffs its about the only time that you get to see 50,000 people in LA all with a huge grin on their face. I made these pictures to force myself to get better at shooting people instead of just things. I would love to hear what I can do to be better next time. Cheers! Bryan












  • toragstorags Registered Users Posts: 4,615 Major grins
    edited November 7, 2015
    Hey Bryan... lookin' good

    Nice series, I especially like 6 & 8 plus the timing on 9

    Nice work
  • ThelensspotThelensspot Registered Users Posts: 2,041 Major grins
    edited November 8, 2015
    I really enjoyed this set! Thank you and Welcome!
    "Photography is partly art and partly science. Really good photography adds discipline, sacrifice and a never ending pursuit of photographic excellence"...ziggy53

  • Eldon SheaEldon Shea Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2015
    Thanks for looking and for the encouragement. Rags, I must admit that the pigeon in the sunbeam was just good luck. I was focused on the expressions of the women. Sometimes we make our luck, but this time it was really up to the photo gods...
  • CavalierCavalier Registered Users Posts: 3,080 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2015
    Oh great - thanks to these shots, I now have to drive to LA to see this event rolleyes1.gif! Some really good shots here - I especially love the composition of #6.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited November 9, 2015
    Welcome to Dgrin, wave.gif. Excellent set. #6 is especially appeals to me.
  • rainbowrainbow Registered Users Posts: 2,765 Major grins
    edited November 9, 2015
    Welcome to DGrin documentary!

    Shooting people in this type of setting is some of the most enjoyable time you might spend with a camera. There is always a shot and always a surprise (like a pigeon).

    The shots you take and post, though, should have some sort of story. If you look through your photos, narrate (to yourself please, not in text accompanying the photo) what you believe the photo conveys. Does it really convey it or is it wishful thinking because that is what you were trying to capture? Critically look at your shots afterwards. Was it the best shooting angle? Were you close enough or would closer have been better (often that is the biggest bugaboo for new street photographers -- that is where hip shooting becomes a useful skill).

    Your set is very enjoyable to get an idea of the event. Some are better than others. #2 would have been much better from a different angle and with her face. How do you isolate her better from the background? ... #6 also caught my eye the most on my first viewing (and often that is all you get - a first viewing). Why does this stand out for veterans of this forum?

    Anyway, hope being wordy and pedantic is what you were seeking. Post often here to get feedback and enjoy taking more of these type of photos.
  • Eldon SheaEldon Shea Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited November 10, 2015
    Thanks, Jo, Richard and Rainbow. I appreciate the comments and critique. Yes, I was seeking real feedback and I do appreciate it. In fact, I see clearly now that some of these shots prove only that I was there, but don't say much more. Regarding the old lady on the skateboard, I clearly missed what might have been a great shot as she was coming down the street toward me. The shot I got only proves that I missed the good shot, so why put that on display for the world to see? Duh. Thanks for helping me realize that. Trying to be objective, I do think there is decent story-telling in the later ones. Like everyone else, I really like #6. I also think there is a great story in 9. But my favorite is #8 and I'm surprised that it didn't get more love. There's the cosmetic industry poster of the giant beautiful woman above the perfectly made up women with their carefully studied hand gestures holding their vaping sticks (or whatever they're called) while headed toward the school of psychology. It tickles me, but I guess most others don't see the humor in it.

    Jo, it is a pretty cool event. They move it around the city, so if you plan to attend you should make sure it will be held in a visually interesting area. You can't go wrong if it is in Downtown LA. The cool thing for me, on my first outing shooting "street" was that everyone expected to have their picture taken, so it was totally comfortable. I only rarely got attitude or disapproval.

  • rainbowrainbow Registered Users Posts: 2,765 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2015
    There are some great elements to #8, but they don't stand out. And by the time I reached it, I was not paying attention to detail as much. This highlights the results of posting a larger set of photos (more than three?).

    But looking at #8, two things stand out. One is that I believe a square crop, eliminating the right brick wall and sign will bring the group more attention, especially the lead lady. Secondly, the photos are shot from a distance that appears to be across the street. This gives much less connection to the people than if you shot up close with a wide angle. I suggest you find a venue and shoot it both ways and compare the results.
  • Eldon SheaEldon Shea Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited November 12, 2015
    Thanks, Rainbow. I'm sure you are right about getting closer for more intimacy. For this one, I saw the shot coming together as I was crossing the street and there was no time to get closer, so I shot from were I was. I also agree that cropping out the brick wall would place more emphasis on the ladies, but I feel that would eliminate the best part of the story, as I saw it, which is the sign for the school of psychology. I really appreciate your insight and don't disagree. I'm just trying to explain why I did what I did. Thanks again.
  • CCoopCCoop Registered Users Posts: 511 Major grins
    edited November 18, 2015
    You've captured the fun of the event! It was a special time, and you've shared it with your photos. Thank you!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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