A question for Wufoo contact form users

I am currently using the Smugmug contact form.
However, it does not allow me to add a short message (so that people are directed to the information pages before they send me an email about buying prints or files)
I know I can do this if I use a Wufoo contact form.
... and here is the question for those who are using Wufoo now
When you get an email via the Wufoo form, are you able to tell the person's name or email address when it is uploaded to your email account?
When I used Wufoo in Legacy, the only identifying text for who sent the email was something like "Wufoo Message #56"
The problem arises when you say have a dozen emails via Wufoo.
I couldn't readily see who each email was from, so I then had to keep opening emails to actually find out which one was from a specific person. :dunno
I don't want to waste time making and installing a Wufoo form if I can't tell the sender from the list of email messages in my inbox
I am using Windows Live Mail, if that makes any difference
Thank you for any light you can shed on the matter :thumb
However, it does not allow me to add a short message (so that people are directed to the information pages before they send me an email about buying prints or files)
I know I can do this if I use a Wufoo contact form.
... and here is the question for those who are using Wufoo now
When you get an email via the Wufoo form, are you able to tell the person's name or email address when it is uploaded to your email account?
When I used Wufoo in Legacy, the only identifying text for who sent the email was something like "Wufoo Message #56"
The problem arises when you say have a dozen emails via Wufoo.
I couldn't readily see who each email was from, so I then had to keep opening emails to actually find out which one was from a specific person. :dunno
I don't want to waste time making and installing a Wufoo form if I can't tell the sender from the list of email messages in my inbox
I am using Windows Live Mail, if that makes any difference
Thank you for any light you can shed on the matter :thumb
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
Your Name / Company (basically the from)
The Message Subject
In the example below - the Message Subject is the form Name and the first two fields of my form - which is the first name and last name
Hence - when I get an email from wufoo, it will say it is from "jR Customization" and the subject line is (for example) "Let us know how we can help - John Smith" which is the name of the form and the first and last name field.
Hopefull this helps - jerryr
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Many thanks!!
- Yes the name of my form is "Let us know how we can help"
- Yes Field1 is the First name and Field two is the Last Name
- If you use the wufoo name field then you would simply indicate field1
Basically create your notification and test it
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Thanks Jerry - took a little while to crank up my poor old brain ... but ... SUCCESS!!!!!
You really steered me in the right direction with customizing the notification section.
I didn't do that when I was on Legacy and so I never got a personalized subject.
All good now - thanks to you. Much appreciated