High speed beetle

Sweeping up leaves on the garden path the other day, I spotted this high speed small beetle scurrying around. Went in the house to get a glass and card to trap it with. Spent another 10 minutes trying to find it gain. Eventually trapped it and took it back indoors. Placed it with a begonia flower and various bits of potential food and water under a glass with the hope it would slow down enough for me to photograph it - it didn't. Fast forward to the next morning when it was still running around at high speed but did spend a little time exploring the flower. I eventually decided I had to try and get some shots before releasing it. Id'd it as Notiophilus biguttatus a beautiful looking beetle with rather large eyes.
5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.

5Dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash.
Brian V.

A difficult one to capture, physically or on film.
I've checked and confirm the species.
Thanks all for the comments - appreciated
Brian v.
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Brian V.