Crosseye Stereo Mushrooms
Single frames images will follow in a subsequent topic.
Most of these mushrooms are glistening mainly because they were all photographed in continuous rain. The first two are Waxcap Mushrooms which are rather shiny anyway.
The other species are a Club Fungus, a ripe puffball which has been broken open and some immature Macrolepiota.
EM-1 (manual mode at 1/200sec), Kiron 105mm at f16, triple flash, main on L-bracket and fill on spiked mini monopods.
I replies, it would be interesting to know if you can see the stereo effect.

Most of these mushrooms are glistening mainly because they were all photographed in continuous rain. The first two are Waxcap Mushrooms which are rather shiny anyway.
The other species are a Club Fungus, a ripe puffball which has been broken open and some immature Macrolepiota.
EM-1 (manual mode at 1/200sec), Kiron 105mm at f16, triple flash, main on L-bracket and fill on spiked mini monopods.
I replies, it would be interesting to know if you can see the stereo effect.

Brian V.
Any votes for the ones on the left, for the sake of balance?
Thanks, Brian.
The base separation was a little exaggerated but I can kneel in the rain for only so long to get it right.