okay... here it goes. i am going to Yellowstone this year for vacation. i'm also going to Philmont Scout Reservation in New Mexico. **near Black Mesa, and Clayton Lake National Parks**
i will without a doubt encounter Bears and all forms of wildlife. it will be a 90 mile trek. my question is. Is the Bigma worth it? for the 50-500 range it would sure be useful. also, some of the wildlife can be way far away, i also enjoy shooting some BIF. sooo, i realize i need a monopod or tripod for the bigma. i have that. but, is it even remotely hand-holdable?:dunno
i know i want the reach. i'm just debating when i should take the plunge and buy it.:scratch
i'm also planning on getting a 17-40, so i'll have a 17-40, 50mm 1.8, Bigma. that would cover it all pretty much.
is it worth it?
thanks all,
i will without a doubt encounter Bears and all forms of wildlife. it will be a 90 mile trek. my question is. Is the Bigma worth it? for the 50-500 range it would sure be useful. also, some of the wildlife can be way far away, i also enjoy shooting some BIF. sooo, i realize i need a monopod or tripod for the bigma. i have that. but, is it even remotely hand-holdable?:dunno
i know i want the reach. i'm just debating when i should take the plunge and buy it.:scratch
i'm also planning on getting a 17-40, so i'll have a 17-40, 50mm 1.8, Bigma. that would cover it all pretty much.
is it worth it?
thanks all,
Daniel Bauer
Sounds like you have a fun trip ahead of you.
Tokina makes a EF mount 80-400mm.
Not sure of the speed off hand but it might be a tad faster?
Might be worth researching?
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
why not go with more moderate lens, say 75-300 or 70-200, and get an extender?
Awesome on Philmont!
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ever been there?
or did you just do one of your GOogle Map searches?
Once an Eagle....
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congrats. i'm only about 6 months away from mine... you ever taken you're camera there? or was this before ya got into photography.
I'm an ooooold man, Daniel.
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I carried mine in the hand for about 4km and I felt the muscle aches for the next few days. I would also not hang it around my neck - I wouldn't trust the next strap (or my neck
Cmason has a point, you may want to look at the new Canon 70-300 rather than 400+ glass.
Yeah Daniel MIGHT even be older than me!!
I'll be 41 Feb 22nd.
As far as Photography experiance Andy hasta be at least 80 I'm sure!:giggle
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Take more pictures!
be sure to tell me your opinion. and i would love to see some sample shots
Take more pictures!
We have had several years of extremely dry summers...a drought, in fact. Was exploring a burn area on Philmont, nearer to Cimarron, couple of summers ago. Spent some time watching a scraggly bear at very close range. That is going to be your most likely encounter.
Me, I think I would take wider angle lenses for the panoramic views, a normal lens for landscape, etc. and a lesser telephoto. Coming from lower elevations, you will tire of packing so much heavy photo equipment over the mountains. In fact, something like an 18-200 might do it all for you.
just my dos centavos.
<-----interested in extending my focal range, and really like the Sigma 70-200.
Bigma is a great piece of kit for the money, especially on a road trip or something where you be in the big parks. And you know how I feel about the longer Sigmas (matter of fact, I have a 70-200 on the way
Hey Daniel... Another option that you could consider would be the Sigma 80-400mm F4.5-5.6 EX DG OS (Optical Stabilizer) APO IF Tele Zoom Lens with Hood for Canon EOS.
I see that it is back-ordered at B&H and Adorama so it might be hard to get. The reach is a little less than the Bigma but the OS would definately make it easier to handhold. Something to consider?
Best of luck...
here's some homework: do some research on 500mm (or so) mirror lenses, there's a few brands out there. I'll want a report with some links.
one at my local camera shop
as you were.