A Selection of Autumn Grassland Mushrooms
These are the same as those in stereograms in the previous topic.
The first two are Waxcaps Hygrocybe, the third is a Club Clavulinopsis, the fourth is a ripe and split open one of the larger Puffballs Handkea but not the Giant one and the fifth is a Macrolepiota at the button stage. Some of the names may need to be revised, or given full species names, later.
Continuous rain made some more shiny than normal but the Waxcaps are always somewhat shiny.
EM-1 (manual 1/200), Kiron 105mm at f16, triple flash (two freestanding on spikes.

The first two are Waxcaps Hygrocybe, the third is a Club Clavulinopsis, the fourth is a ripe and split open one of the larger Puffballs Handkea but not the Giant one and the fifth is a Macrolepiota at the button stage. Some of the names may need to be revised, or given full species names, later.
Continuous rain made some more shiny than normal but the Waxcaps are always somewhat shiny.
EM-1 (manual 1/200), Kiron 105mm at f16, triple flash (two freestanding on spikes.

Thanks. The season is mostly over but one of our fungus group has a small farm where these grow. A similar selection is to be found at the local cemetery!
Brian v.
Thanks, Brian.
I have more from that site.