making sub folders
I am confused.. why cna't i figure out how to make sub folders. I read the tutorial on smug mug but it doesn't help...
i want a main folder , and 4 sub folders. can someone explain to me how to do this as if they are talking to a kindergartener:scratch thanks!
i want a main folder , and 4 sub folders. can someone explain to me how to do this as if they are talking to a kindergartener:scratch thanks!
To add top folder highlight your name at the top of the left tree.
Top left corner click "Create" and pick folder.
To add subs highlight the parent folder in the left tree
Repeat create and add folder
Repeat for more subs
To add a gallery highlight the folder in tree then click "Create" > Gallery.
I always go to the Organizer to create galleries. If you are on a folder page, the "create gallery"
option there does not have all the settings option.
BTW, all your public top folders will be on the /browse page.
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In Organizer you can delete the sub-folders and add galleries.
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