Stack Images in Galleries
Is there a way to "stack" images in a gallery? For instance, I want to give a friend the option to download the full resolution files, in several different sizes. So I want one photo to be the display, but allow all of the files (of all sizes) to be downloaded via the "Download all" button. Right now I just have the files hidden and then just gave her the link that I got from Smugmug that has all of the files, but I would prefer for people to be able to use the Download All button in the future.
Hi There,
At the moment you can only allow your visitors to download all images within a gallery - in full resolution. There is a great article on how to set this up - here:
Unfortunately there is no possibility to allow your visitors to download all images within a gallery - in a smaller resolution - only original sizes.
What I meant was say I wanted to give someone the option to download the 4x6, 5x7 and 8x10 aspect ratios, but only SHOW the photo once. I thought Smugmug could do this, but I'm thinking now that perhaps that was something it used to do when you uploaded duplicate names. Oops!
Might check this, not sure if it still words.
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