Smoky Mountains waterfall

I bought a Sony R1 last week and have only had time for a quick trip to the Big Creek area of the Smokies. I didn't get there until 3:30 yesterday afternoon, so only had about 1 1/2 hours to shoot. Lighting conditions were medium overcast. A light dusting of snow had fallen - puny amounts compared to some of the images others have been posting :cry
Mouse Creek Falls empties into Big Creek about 2 miles up the trail - one of my favorite waterfalls

At about 1.5 miles up the trail is a pool called Midnight Hole. The entire flow of the creek is squeezed between 2 large boulders forming a 6' small waterfall. The water near the turbulance appears aqua even though it was overcast.

I'm heading to the Pisgah Forest tomorrow morning to learn more about the camera and to give it a good workout. Thanks for looking - all comments are welcome :thumb
Mouse Creek Falls empties into Big Creek about 2 miles up the trail - one of my favorite waterfalls

At about 1.5 miles up the trail is a pool called Midnight Hole. The entire flow of the creek is squeezed between 2 large boulders forming a 6' small waterfall. The water near the turbulance appears aqua even though it was overcast.

I'm heading to the Pisgah Forest tomorrow morning to learn more about the camera and to give it a good workout. Thanks for looking - all comments are welcome :thumb
"Take what is given, and steal the rest."
I'm heading to the Smokies next weekend. Depending on the weather, I may at least get in Laurel Falls & some old growth trees beyond the falls. On the way I will get The Sinks, maybe Meigs Falls... Huskey Branch... ? I'll just wait and see when I get there.
Thanks for sharing your shots AND the inspiration.
I love the Southern Appalachians:D
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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Shaman, that was a very kind thing to say. Funny thing is that after seeing your last shots from up high, I remembered that I need to spend more time above the forest floor. I just got back from a day in the Pisgah Forest and spent an hour or so sitting on a bald across from Looking Glass Rock. The pictures are still in the camera - I hope 1 or 2 turned out OK. We all look forward to seeing the results from your Smokies trip! There seems to be more mossy rocks and logs there - a noticable difference from most places in the Pisgah.
Kent, thanks for your kind comment also. 99% of what I shoot is landscapes, wildflowers, etc. and the R1 seemed to be the best camera for me and my credit card.
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