First Ice Hockey Attempt
Moving from San Antonio, TX to West Point has given me opportunities to try my hand at some new stuff to shoot; getting a new 7DII is also a plus.
I work with a guy that plays in a local adult hockey league and I asked him if I could go shoot. He said it wouldn't be a problem so last night I went. There was a little snafu with the schedule he had and the official schedule and I didn't get to shoot him. Luckily there was another game and I was able to shoot that one.
First things first. I used this informative forum to see if I could get the basics on how to shoot hockey and stumble across this thread with akte's thread that had a lot of helpful information in it.
While I didn't do great, I don't think I did horrible for a first timer in a poorly lit facility. Biggest lesson learned, use custom WB!!! Next biggest, make sure to check your settings. LOL
All of them were shot with 7DII and 70-200 ISO 1600 at 2.8 1/400 (as fast as I could get it) and through the glass.

1. I set my balance, ISO and shutter speed but forgot to set to Servo and this was the result. Check, check again and recheck that check is all I have to say.

2. Action, faces (soft focused) and puck. Technically not sound but practice can make it better.

3. I think the focus is a little better.

4. I feel like I got a lot better shooting as the night went along.

5. One of my last shots of the night and I think I was in the groove.
I think I did pretty good for my first outing but there is a lot of room for improvement that a lot of practice will probably help with.
I work with a guy that plays in a local adult hockey league and I asked him if I could go shoot. He said it wouldn't be a problem so last night I went. There was a little snafu with the schedule he had and the official schedule and I didn't get to shoot him. Luckily there was another game and I was able to shoot that one.
First things first. I used this informative forum to see if I could get the basics on how to shoot hockey and stumble across this thread with akte's thread that had a lot of helpful information in it.
While I didn't do great, I don't think I did horrible for a first timer in a poorly lit facility. Biggest lesson learned, use custom WB!!! Next biggest, make sure to check your settings. LOL
All of them were shot with 7DII and 70-200 ISO 1600 at 2.8 1/400 (as fast as I could get it) and through the glass.

1. I set my balance, ISO and shutter speed but forgot to set to Servo and this was the result. Check, check again and recheck that check is all I have to say.

2. Action, faces (soft focused) and puck. Technically not sound but practice can make it better.

3. I think the focus is a little better.

4. I feel like I got a lot better shooting as the night went along.

5. One of my last shots of the night and I think I was in the groove.
I think I did pretty good for my first outing but there is a lot of room for improvement that a lot of practice will probably help with.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I only shoot raw and I use your 7DII pictures as a baseline. It struggled at 1/400 last night but I'll make an effort to shot ISO 3200 + higher shutter next as a point of reference.
I believe most of my issues came from bad technique and lack of experience. If I could find a way to bump up my SS without sacrificing light with the same gear it would be wonderful.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
I would like to try and compare apples to apples plus the 7DII is a huge jump from the 50D that I have been using for the past 6 years.
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7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
Thanks a lot for sharing.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
I get another chance next weekend so hopefully there will be an improvement.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
What is the setting for that? I use single point but the manual doesn't word it like you do.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
Put your single AF point in the center. Then toggle through the AF pattern choices until you see the one with 9 points lit up. The point in the center of the 9 (the nipple) takes priority, and the 8 surrounding points (the aereola) serve as backup. You can then move the whole schmear around, but if you choose a nipple point on the edge, obviously fewer than 9 will be active. I don't think the manual words it like this either.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
As others have said, 1/400 is waaaay too slow! When I shoot hockey (OK, it's at the NHL level and the lighting is much better) I shoot at 1/2000, wide open and ISO 2500. Extrapolating from your numbers, you could shoot at 1/800 at ISO 3200 (assuming 0 EV in these shots); or even better, push the ISO until you can get faster than 1/1000, which would be fine for amateur hockey. Since you shoot RAW you have some headroom to de-noise in the post.
A few other tips:
1. Shooting through the plexiglass causes a number of issues, including messing with the AF and reflections.
2. Regarding WB and exposure, I use the ice as a way to see how I'm doing. While shooting, I make sure that the ice is just below blown via the highlight alert function on the camera. Occasionally I'll let bits of it blow, since I can recover in the post (and anyway, it's white so a blown region isn't horrible). And while editing (LR6) I check the ice to make sure that R=G=B in each of the color channels, and that each is about 95%. This insures good WB and proper exposure. It's easy and fast.
Hope this helps!
So after shooting a second time, where I completely dropped the ball (too ashamed to post), I did a lot of research on shooting hockey tips, to supplement what I have learned here; and reading my manual for the camera. What I came up with is...shooting through the glass in that environment is a no-no because the lighting is so poor.
I have a little while before I will go back and shoot there, and I will since I refuse to let it beat me.
Thanks to all that have chimed in to help me out; taking your time to help me says a lot about your character and I appreciate it so much!!!
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
You won't be beat, Jamie. As I said above, composition is the most difficult part and you're doing well in this category. All the rest is just camera settings and editing.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX
Shots are sound in composition, camera settings were off. I know from experience that a 7D I can handle well-lit action at ISO 3200, so I'm quite certain the 7D II can do it. As was already stated, you need at LEAST 1/600 shutter speed with fast action hockey stuff.
Great setup, by the way. Can't wait to see more of what you crank out with it!
Taken with my cellphone.
I can't wait to try again because I really botched my second attempt. I'm not sure when that will be but I will make sure to post, with hopes of showing progress.
7DII w/Grip, 50D w/Grip, 24-70/2.8L, 70-200/2.8L, 85/1.8, 50/1.8, Rokinon 8mm FE 3.2, 580EXII 430EX