Uncropped thumbnails _plus_ drop shadow _plus_ regular grid?

I would like my gallery display to show images in a regular grid (with titles below), and I'd like them not to be forced into a square crop, and I'd like to add a drop shadow. I can get any two of the three in various ways:
- The CSS at http://www.sherlockphotography.org/Customisations/Thumbnail-aspect-ratio makes the grid work with uncropped thumbnails, but if a drop shadow is used (from http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations/Sitewide/Drop-Shadow-Hover), that outlines the square box around the thumbs, not the image (and there's no smaller DIV element which just wraps the image.
- If I switch to Collage (Portrait), the uncropped thumbnails and the drop shadow work, but the grid isn't regular, and since my photos are ordered, that means the bottom of the page is ugly.
- And of course square crop with drop shadow works fine with the thumbnail grid, but that's the least useful of all
Images in the Backcountry
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I hadn't seen that, but it looks nice. The problem is that it work well for unordered photos, but mine are generally in sequence - either family photos over a period of time, or stuff that happened at a street festival, or so on. And it gets really ragged-looking at the bottom if you have a lot of photos in different orientations.
Mike, that is a great set of examples! Matt, this might seem silly but have you tried the Landscape Collage? Looking at Mike's example - it seems to also handle portrait just fine AND it keeps the bottom edge straight throughout. Might be worth the try.