Need info for new Printing Loop. Spyder5 Elite or i1 Pro

DivinusImagingDivinusImaging Registered Users Posts: 3 Beginner grinner
edited December 24, 2015 in Digital Darkroom
The Goal

To create a seamless loop between my monitor and printer. So both are calibrated equally to obtain the best prints.

The Questions

1. Which device will give me the most Accurate Color Profiles?

2. Which device gives me the most control?

3. Which device will last longer in reliability and future updates such as firmware?

4. Personnel Experiences?

The Two Setups in question!


i1Publish Pro 2



My Digital Darkroom

Printer: Espon R3000

Monitor: Dell U2410

I am planning to get an NEC soon. The NEC comes with a Spyder 4 Puck.


Up until this point I have been using the ColorMunki Photo device which allows me to calibrate my monitor to my printer. This has worked good enough but I really want to upgrade my system for better color for me and for my clients. The Munki gets my prints close but not exact.

I have heard that the DataColor colorimeters have some issues calibrating Dell Monitors. Something about the software in the Dells are made by X-Rite.

Thank you for your time in reading and responding.


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