More unannounced changes?

It appears SmugMug has rolled out some changes in the past 24 hours that change the way HTML in images titles and captions is handled. Can Aaron please talk to the engineers to confirm exactly what and why, and advise?
It is very difficult to maintain the look and feel of customised sites when this stuff happens. If ever any changes have to be made that will effect existing sites, the courtesy of some advanced notice would be welcome. I didn't see any reference to this in the Product News forum, but if I have somehow missed it, my apologies in advance.
It is very difficult to maintain the look and feel of customised sites when this stuff happens. If ever any changes have to be made that will effect existing sites, the courtesy of some advanced notice would be welcome. I didn't see any reference to this in the Product News forum, but if I have somehow missed it, my apologies in advance.
If you go into the Customizer you can now set the "Info Text Alignment." For this case, on your blog, you'd enter Customizer on the gallery, click on the "Galleries" content, and then select "Collage Portrait" and set "Info Text Alignment" to "Center."
It does look like there's something odd going on with Collage Portrait style galleries, in the way the text wraps around the download/buy buttons. We'll investigate that first thing on Monday.
(P.S: We're hearing the 'please notify us when you make changes' loud and clear and have some ideas / things we're working on to better inform you of when updates go live).
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
W.W. Webster, I've gone ahead and added another CSS content block on your site with the folliowing CSS. I've also set your "Info Text Alignment" to center so you can have it centered again. Please let me know if you'd like me to undo the changes.
Here's the code, for others:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
So what you are saying is the collage formats will now ignore user html in captions and there is no way around this? If so, it's back to the drawing board to work out how I can make my nearly-3,000 captions in this gallery look half tidy.
Thank God SmugMug is still (at least for now) respecting caption HTML in the Lightbox as I generally direct visitors to images there, otherwise I don't know what I would do - but is that on the skids as well?
And can you kindly step me a little more slowly to precisely where I can access the "Info Text Alignment" box? I expected to find it at Customise -> Gallery Settings -> Appearance but it's a no-show there, and I don't know where else I would expect it to be.
Edit: Found the "Info Text Alignment" box!
I was a little surprised when you mentioned this and I thought "there's no way that can be". Then I tried some HTML in my captions and sure enough, Collage ignored it. It wasn't a decision that I consciously passed along to the team, so let me get back to you. If we're allowing it in other places, I think it should be allowed here as well. Stay tuned.
I have HTML in my own captions (on thousands of photos) ... I'd fight to the death to keep HTML in captions. You've got a strong supporter on your side: I hope we never remove that
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I'd definitely remove those and rely on the lightbox ones.
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