Dimension Box Not Showing Up Under All Galleries
Hi everyone. I was hoping someone here could help me with this. When I click on Customize-Content and Design and then click on All Galleries my Dimension box doesn't show up. It comes up as an empty box. When I am in a gallery, I just get the wrench that lets me choose what gallery style I want. I used to be able to get a dimension box that let me adjust my margins, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this? Everything works fine on my website. It's just that Gallery Dimension box doesn't show up so I can't adjust the margins on my gallery pages. I am attaching a photo so you can see what I am talking about.
Thanks for your help!
my website: http://www.karengrantphotography.com
Thanks for your help!
my website: http://www.karengrantphotography.com
As far as I know, to change the margins on your galleries - after clicking "all galleries", click the Layout button in the sidebar, then adjust the margins.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
I do get the wrench icon when I am in a gallery. Above that was the gallery dimension box. Now all I get is the wrench. And when I click on All Galleries I get that empty box.
Only recently have the added the settings for this area. Dimensions are handled in the layout tab.
My Website index | My Blog
Ok...I think I am beginning to understand this....So let's say I want to adjust just the right margin. How would I do that? If I go into the Layout tab I don't have the option to just adjust the right margin in All Galleries. My choices are, Top, Side Bottom. If I adjust the side margins, that would move the left margin as well from what I've been told. So is it possible to just adjust the right margin in my All Galleries? I just want to move the right margin a little to the left, so it's even with my folder margins. The left margins look fine.
Thank you for your replies.