Password protection

I just noticed something that I haven't seen before. I have a password protected site with family photos, I happened to visit it using a browser that wasn't logged in and noticed that the menus were visible.
Is that normal? Is there some way to get the site to hide everything until logged in.
Is that normal? Is there some way to get the site to hide everything until logged in.
Jan Erik Moström
Go into customazer
Navigate to:
Add CSS block to that page
Add the following code:
There is one problem with this approach: it will hide Header and Footer on ALL pages where the password is asked. Meaning that if you have a gallery on your password protected site that is also pasword protected with a different password then you will not see Header and Folder if you click on that gallery and land on a page asking you for a password for that specific gallery (even if you are already logged in with the site-wide viewing password)