Site Doesn't look the same on ANY other computer

After spending many development hours, I decided to poke around my web page via a different computer. Tried with a few others, actually, and I was quite disappointed.
The carousel is big and blocky on other machines, both Safari and Chrome. Additionally, the carousel images can be clicked and opened, which I would prefer to NOT be the case.
Any help or suggestions please?
I built the site using Macbook Pro 13" (newest OS and Safari)
Mahalo in advance
After spending many development hours, I decided to poke around my web page via a different computer. Tried with a few others, actually, and I was quite disappointed.
The carousel is big and blocky on other machines, both Safari and Chrome. Additionally, the carousel images can be clicked and opened, which I would prefer to NOT be the case.
Any help or suggestions please?
I built the site using Macbook Pro 13" (newest OS and Safari)
Mahalo in advance
When you are looking at your site on other computers are you using the same size browser window as you used on your development computer? It appears that the carousel fills the space differently in different size browser windows.
As far as clicking in the carousel to save the image, I saw that on your Weddings page. I also saw it on some of the photos on your portraits page. Do the photos in the gallery that you are using for the carousel have right click protection on?
You should be aware that even with right click protection on in the galleries the images can easily be grabbed from the browser cache. If the image is shown in a browser it is in the browser cache. A quick web search is all that is needed to discover how to save from the cache. It's not a smug problem, it's a browser behavior. Search for "save image from browser" to get an idea of how easy it is.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I think the issue is that it's not the same across different browsers, plus I cannot click an image from the carousel to open it in full screen from my computer, but can on others. With that in mind, I'm pretty certain my final solution is to use another web platform for my biz site, and limit smugmug to intergration of galleries and shopping cart transactions. It's a great site, but definitely still has some major hiccups with certain interfaces that I can't wait to be ironed out. This on top of some big time problems with badge code integration is pushing me further from using smugmug as a stand alone biz site.
I also can't click an image from your carousel to open it in full screen but I can right click on some of them to save the image.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at