Quick Settings
Let's assume that I have defined three Quick Settings, for Gallery Type A, Gallery Type B, and Gallery Type C. Assume that I have 65 galleries, and that I've applied Gallery Type A to 15 galleries, Gallery Type B to 20 galleries, and Gallery Type C to 30 galleries. Now, assume I want to change one setting (e.g. turn Shopping Cart on) for all the galleries in the Gallery Type C group. What is the procedure for changing that one setting for that group of 30 galleries.
Thanks for the help!
Thanks for the help!
You have to go to Organizer to change settings for multiple galleries. But it's by one folder at a time.
In Organizer select a folder
highlight the galleries you want to change settings. "Select All" if appropriate. Don't highlight pages or sub-folders or it won't work.
Click Settings at top.
it will open a gallery settings box
check the box in front of each setting and change toggle on right.
It will change those checked settings for all your selected galleries.
Select another folder and repeat.
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Thanks, Allen, for your succinct answer to my question. I really appreciate it. I've read some of the SmugMug material which I interpreted as suggestions that a QuickSetting could be applied to a large number of galleries with a couple of key strokes. I guess that would be true if all the galleries were in the same folder. However, I manage a website for a camera club, where I post winning images from various competitions, and have 167 galleries in 67 folders. I'm preparing to change one parameter for some of those galleries, and will now have to modify that parameter for all the galleries in 54 folders. And, I know that this won't be the last time that I'll want to make this kind of change. SmugMug already has a table of all my QuickSettings. I must say it is incomprehensible to me why they don't link the QuickSetting entries to the Galleries, and allow changes to the QuickSettings that will affect all Galleries linked to the QuickSetting. I'm sure that I'm not the first to bring this up! I believe that capability existed in the legacy version of SmugMug.
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
If you're looking to change settings for more than one gallery, see How do I change settings for multiple galleries at once?.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Thanks, Denise. I had found that thread and have been using that technique, but it strikes me as a kludge, probably a kludge required by the database design. I hope the next major revision of SM focuses on a redesign of the database so that it would be easy to do things like cascading a gallery display property change for all galleries in a folder tree or creating folder, gallery and page templates. From what I've seen in the interface, the database is probably not even close to normalized. Apparently many of the user assigned properties of galleries, folders and pages are stored directly in the gallery, folder or page tables and not in separate user settings tables with data integrity linkages.
Sony A7r4 with a selection of Rokinon Cine primes that I'm really enjoying learning how to use.
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