Sharpen image settings?
OK, I can't find where you set or change the sharpen settings. Is it at an image level or gallery level? Exactly where do I edit this? (wanting to increase the sharpening and see if that helps with the tack sharp full-size images on my computer becoming fuzzy when placed in forums and viewed)
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
My images are tack sharp when viewed native on my computer. I'll go take a peek using a different browser or two and report back. Current is Firefox 43.01.
Here's an example:
Tack sharp on my computer, tack sharp from the SM side (look at the lower left copyright or the detail in the suit, shirt or bow tie) This is from the SM site using Safari:
And here's the same image simply linked in XL size to display in dGrin, also from Safari
I was thinking there was a sharpen option of .2 default and I could try .4 or .6, but it appears that's not possible.....
As for your images -both examples I see are sharp:)
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
I'am on my iPad and it looks good
Sharpening settings were removed quietly a few months ago. They affected the display copies, not the originals used for printing.
It's sharp, but not as sharp as the original on my MBP or what I see directly uploaded on my smuggie account... It's subtle, but not as good.
DayBreak, my Folk Music Group (some free mp3s!)
Sounds like you might be on a retina MBP. As far as I know, retina MBP's upsize smaller photos to display them at a similar size than on non-retina screens. To reduce the amount of upsizing your computer does, you could consider increasing the "maximum display size" in the gallery settings > photo protection section of your gallery. Best results you should get setting it to "original". Of course,that would also give visitors access to your full size originals.
If you're not on a retina device, check your browser's zoom setting to ensure that zoom is set to 100%.
SmugMug Support Hero
Yes, with retina MacBook's, the more you limit the "maximum display size", the more the computer would likely have to upsize photos, and thus would make the difference more apparent.
SmugMug Support Hero
So I'm still really frustrated with this....
My shots are tack sharp from the camera
My shots are tack sharp in Lightroom
My shots are tack sharp when exported as a full size .jpg and viewed on my MBP
My shots are tack sharp when viewed on SmugMug
My shots are Original in size on SM and the max display is Original
My shots are NOT tack sharp when dropped into a forum for display
Look at the displayed image from the above link in a common forum software package, then click ON the image displayed and you will see the image on the SmugMug side. You'll note a difference in that the forum display is soft and the SM image is tack sharp. (I had a friend post the image to HIS site to test this and it looks the same on MY site done the SAME way) Compare the lace differences in the head/hat and dress area. Compare the hair. Compare the pattern in the dress.
Am I crazy? Can you see the differences? What am I missing?
My MBP, I'm using Firefox 43.04 and my zoom is 100%. I get the same viewing issue using Safari 8.0.7.