Tri-colored Heron

Tri-colored Heron (Egretta tricolor)
Tri-colored herons are medium-sized birds with the long legs and neck characteristic of herons and egrets. Legs are yellow in the non-breeding season and pink in the breeding season. In flight and at rest Egretta tricolor holds its neck at a curve, similar to a "S". They have a rather long and pointed bill that, in the non-breeding season, is yellow with a black tip. In the breeding season, the yellow turns to blue. The young are differently colored than the adults and have a rich chestnut head and neck...and chestnut feathering on blue-gray back
The Tri-colored Heron is the only dark colored heron with a white belly.
One of the most abundant herons found in the Deep South, it was formerly called the Louisiana Heron.
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(My real name is John but Jack'll do)