Muslim Holy festival documentary

Hello my friends here I am with holy muslim documentary ;-)
EID-UL-AZHA the holy festival of Muslims. Muslims celebrates 2 Eids in a year EID-UL-FITAR and 2nd EID-UL-AZHA. In Eid-ul-Azha Muslims sacrifice animal which is HALAL i.e allowed in Islam to eat they are many but Cow, Goat, Camel Sheep are sacrificed. 7 people can share one cow or camel and goat or sheep can only be sacrificed by one person. After sacrifice the meat is distributed in 3 equal parts one for Poor people 2nd for neighbors and relatives and last for self consumption. Animal Sacrifice is compulsory for earning people if they can afford .This animal sacrifice came from Prophet Abraham the grand father of
Prophet Yaqub, Yaqub is also known as Israel in Hebrew.
Abraham saw a dream in which God told him to sacrifice his son (Ismael). The next day Abraham told whole thing to his son his son said If it is God’s will then we should not waste our time then he went to sacrifice his son meanwhile Satan appeared to his wife and tried to misguide her she threw a rock to him God turned Satan into Rock statue Hajj pilgrims hit that Satan with rocks during Hajj. On the other hand Abraham blindfolded his son and closed his eyes and started to rip the neck off of his son when he opened his eyes his son was not there instead of him Sheep was laying dead and God said “Abraham your sacrifice is accepted your son is safe” God just tested Abraham how far he can go in God’s love by then Muslims follow the same and sacrifice Halal Animals to make God happy .
Here are some photos of Alive animals in animal market stretched on huge area a lot of bargain there. There are no fixed price they come down to about 50 to 60% of what they say today they were asking to much so we came back with nothing but I got a lot of photos Worthy day for me ;-)
Cow area view

It should be of right age more than 1 year dental check for that

200$ for each of them

1000$ for both ;-(

550$ ;-( I loved it a lot

This is 38 Mound cow and price is 8500$ I paid 10-Rs to see it lol inside yellow tent

This one is 10,000 $ 42 Mound

Kids from Kashmir Earthquake relief camp enjoying

Camels were also there

And beauty products are also available

These animals my be eaten through out the year but in this particular day they taste special some thing is very different its an experience that the taste cannot mach the sacrificed animals in ordinary days no matter how fresh it is waiting for whole year for the day if anyone want to try He is always welcome to me ;-)
I will show our goat if my dad bought it tomorrow The history I told may have some language errors sorry for that but I think you got a point of view of Muslims and actual event was like that cannot right all details
If anyone want to know whole background of festival email me
for larg images
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself.
Edward Steichen
only high class people buy these for middel class 500 USD cow is also availabale
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