Issues with lightroom publish plugin

I am trying to setup the lightroom smugmug plugin.
When I go in settings to authorize, it opens my firefox browser and adds lightroom as authorized app
This is what happens
Authorization Complete
Adobe Lightroom was added to your Authorized Applications.
You can de-authorize anytime in your Account Settings.
In 2 seconds, you'll be automatically redirected back to Adobe Lightroom's site.
After that there is no redirect whatsoever.
What next? How do I login etc., It does not go beyond this page. No redirect happens.
I tried chrome also. I am on windows 10 and my account is
When I go in settings to authorize, it opens my firefox browser and adds lightroom as authorized app
This is what happens
Authorization Complete
Adobe Lightroom was added to your Authorized Applications.
You can de-authorize anytime in your Account Settings.
In 2 seconds, you'll be automatically redirected back to Adobe Lightroom's site.
After that there is no redirect whatsoever.
What next? How do I login etc., It does not go beyond this page. No redirect happens.
I tried chrome also. I am on windows 10 and my account is
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Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
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After authorization, it says I will be taken to lightroom in 2 seconds, but nothing happens. Even in lightroom, it does not do anything. I am on windows 10
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This is what it looks like if it's authorized:
If it's not authorized, the "Refresh" button will instead be 2 buttons: "New to SmugMug?" and "Connect with SmugMug"
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Me too on windows 10 with lightroom CC. It does not show Authorized. I think it may be a windows 10 issue.
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Which browser do you have set up as your default browser (the one that opens the SmugMug log in when you try to authorize from Lightroom)?
Can you try setting up a different browser as your default to see if that allows you to set up the publish service?
SmugMug Support Hero
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1) Go to File > Plugin Manager
2) Click on SmugMug, and uncheck the box "Use URL Handler for Authorization".
3) Then try authorizing one more time.
That may allow the authorization to be completed normally.
SmugMug Support Hero
That solved the problem for me! I had the same troubles as everyone else on this post.