Saving text in the "description" field of a gallery?

I have all the other settings I need for my various client galleries saved as pre-sets - it's great. However, I'd love to save the text I enter into "description" to those pre-sets as well - that's where I leave instructions for how to download the specific files when I send the client their final galleries. Is there a way of ensuring that text is saved along with the other settings in the pre-set? It would save several steps (now I create the new gallery, go to an old gallery where I go to organize>settings>description and then copy the text there, then back to the new gallery to paste the text into the "description" field. THEN I can upload the images....)
Thanks in advance (and for considering it as a feature request if it isn't currently possible!)
Thanks in advance (and for considering it as a feature request if it isn't currently possible!)
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Thank you for your input
What you could do as a work around though is add a text block to the "all galleries" section of the site. From there you could enter the text you want to show on all the galleries. The following help page will explain more about adding content blocks.
SmugMug Support Hero
I'll file a request!
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