Link from background image

Apart from the menubar, my Homepage includes only a background image. This has been set up using the functionality in Customise -> Content and Design -> Homepage -> Theme -> Active Theme -> <wrench tool> -> Edit Theme -> Advanced -> Page -> Background Graphic.
I would like to allow my visitors to be able to click on the background image and be taken to the image in its gallery. I'm sure I've seen this done or referred to somewhere, but I can't seem to find how.
Any help appreciated please.
I would like to allow my visitors to be able to click on the background image and be taken to the image in its gallery. I'm sure I've seen this done or referred to somewhere, but I can't seem to find how.
Any help appreciated please.
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In the css tab style the div to occupy the entire height and width of the page, obviously excluding your left side bar. This will be "the other only way" to make a clickable image:)
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