"Inheriting Unlisted" option is autochosen
I'm creating a new galley. And it's automatically doing the "Inheriting, Unlisted" option And not giving me an option to make it public. What am I doing wrong? Here is the gallery link. And I'm going to be making many more so I need to fix this right away! http://www.auphoto.net/Other/OSGY/OS2011/Rodeo2011/BlaisdellNDRA11/Steer-Wrestling/n-98pxvv/
It looks like your top level folder is set to unlisted. If that top level folder is unlisted, then everything within that folder will inherit that level of privacy as well. In order to be able to mark the gallery you mentioned as public, you would need to make that top level folder public, in the gallery settings as well.
If you have more questions about this, let us know here or write to us at help@smugmug.com
SmugMug Support Hero
Thank you!
Edit: actually looks like this folder is set to unlisted.
"Other" shows so it is public.
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