New here need some help
I just got my site up and am fine tuning it. I can't seem to figure out how to share my photos with others on smugmug. I think I can figure out how to share to Facebook,etc. but I'm lost about sharing with others. Can anyone give me a clue?? Thanks! 😊
I just got my site up and am fine tuning it. I can't seem to figure out how to share my photos with others on smugmug. I think I can figure out how to share to Facebook,etc. but I'm lost about sharing with others. Can anyone give me a clue?? Thanks! 😊
If that doesn't help, post back with specific questions.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you Denise. I guess I don't know where to post to. Is it all within this forum? Do I need a link and do I start at my image to share?
If you want to send someone a link to a gallery, open the gallery and copy the URL in the address bar. For a link to a photo, copy the link from the Share dialog. You can send the link to someone in an email. Or you can place an image directly in a blog post, or somewhere else.
If you want to post a photo in a post in DGrin, see How to Embed an Image in Your Post.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
When I share photos on my blog (link in my signature below) I use Medium. That's so it fits into the post nicely. I use the HTML code from the photos link in the Share dialog so if someone clicks on the photo they are taken to the photo in lightbox on my smug site.
I also share photos on Google+ (link is in my signature below). I usually upload the photos directly to Google+ as opposed to linking them from my smug site.
If there is a site with a daily photo link that you want to participate in you will need to check for instructions on how to participate on the specific site.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
You shared a link to your photo - much better if you share the photo directly. You have the right URL, you just need to use the photo icon. Take a look at my note in your thread The heart of the matter for help with posting the photo.
I'm happy to help!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at