Aaron - HTML boxes v Text Book

Grrr - Title is wrong but I can't change it! :cry
HTML Content Block v Text Content Block
Hi Aaron
I didn't want to side-track this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=256723&page=2 (about the new gallery Cover Photo ...)
In post #35 you wrote:
This meant that, to your visitors, they could get a beautifully created page that described the content they were looking for, but was an AWFUL experience for you, the paying customer/account owner. You had to know HTML, you had to figure out how to format it. It worked, but it was really bad and not a good experience for you, the account owner.
New SmugMug came along and one of the goals was to fix this problem. Get away with the need to know HTML and to figure out how to format it and replace it with "Pages" and Content Blocks that could be dragged and customized. Gallery Description could return to its purpose: a written representation of your gallery.
One of the problems with the New Smugmug is that the Text Content Block does NOT allow for enough control on formatting.
As a result people are forced to use a HTML Content Block which continues the same "awful experience" ... people still need to know HTML and you have to figure out how to format it.
So my plea.
Can Smugmug make the changes to the TEXT Content Block so that formatting is as simple as it is in a word processor?
That would be a real boon to a LOT of account owners who do not know how to use HTML coding. :thumb
HTML Content Block v Text Content Block
Hi Aaron
I didn't want to side-track this thread: http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=256723&page=2 (about the new gallery Cover Photo ...)
In post #35 you wrote:
This meant that, to your visitors, they could get a beautifully created page that described the content they were looking for, but was an AWFUL experience for you, the paying customer/account owner. You had to know HTML, you had to figure out how to format it. It worked, but it was really bad and not a good experience for you, the account owner.
New SmugMug came along and one of the goals was to fix this problem. Get away with the need to know HTML and to figure out how to format it and replace it with "Pages" and Content Blocks that could be dragged and customized. Gallery Description could return to its purpose: a written representation of your gallery.
One of the problems with the New Smugmug is that the Text Content Block does NOT allow for enough control on formatting.
As a result people are forced to use a HTML Content Block which continues the same "awful experience" ... people still need to know HTML and you have to figure out how to format it.
So my plea.
Can Smugmug make the changes to the TEXT Content Block so that formatting is as simple as it is in a word processor?
That would be a real boon to a LOT of account owners who do not know how to use HTML coding. :thumb
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
Website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: http://www.aaronmphotography.com/Customizations
No worries about the Text Content Block - I thought you might have had something in the pipeline!
It will happen - I have no doubt.
In the meantime I'll continue to use the HTML and ask the brilliant people here when I can't get the copy/paste to work!!
I think people are really appreciating the chance to have some input into Smugmug future features.
So well done on that front