smuggo v0.1 released
All, I just released the initial version of smuggo. It's designed for command line uploading to SmugMug. This is my main use case:
As the final step in my CaptureOne workflow, I set the Open With application to be smuggo (wrapped in an Automator script). Thus, each processed image is automatically sent to a staging gallery on SmugMug when it completes.
It can also be used for mass uploading.
I provided executables for Windows, OS X, and Linux (64 bit).
As the final step in my CaptureOne workflow, I set the Open With application to be smuggo (wrapped in an Automator script). Thus, each processed image is automatically sent to a staging gallery on SmugMug when it completes.
It can also be used for mass uploading.
I provided executables for Windows, OS X, and Linux (64 bit).
I apologize for digging this thread out, but I have to thank the OP for sharing his code
I have been meaning to learn smugmug api so I can do command line upload, but never find the time, nor know enough technical to tackle it on my own
With this tool, I am able to do the upload with relative ease
The only issue I come across with the tool is searching existing album (smuggo albums).
It is giving me the following error
But I am able to get the album id through smugmug's live API page, so at least I have workaround
Once I learn the go language, and smugmug's REST API, maybe I can fix this bug
Still, a big thanks to movestill for sharing his work!
Hi K.K., I just noticed your post. I think you may not have authorized smuggo properly, if you're getting "401 Unauthorized". You may need to revoke authorization for smuggo via SmugMug's Account Settings page and then reauthorize it. I think I had to do something like this during development.
Hope this helps and glad you found smuggo useful,
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SamirD, I think the last example under Uploading Files in the covers your use case.
If you have your photos in say, c:\photos\Oct2016 and your album key is 7r2j1, then the command would like this:
smuggo multiupload 3 7r2j1 c:\photos\Oct2016\*.jpg
Hope this helps,
One question I have is where does smuggo store its auth information? Since it's multi-platform, I'm guessing that it creates some sort of file in the directory where the binary is (which would be perfect for me), but it would be nice to know for certain.
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I do have over a thousand albums, but it comes back with this error msg pretty quick.
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If you go to SmugMug's Account Settings and look at Authorized Services, what do you have for smuggo? It should say Access: Full and Permissions: Modify. If it doesn't, you'll need to revoke permissions and redo the auth. Let me know if you have to update the permissions. If so, I may need to change the way smuggo sets up auth.
smuggo couldn't create the .smuggo folder because you're running as the administrator user. It would have to run as administrator to write to that folder.
I just tried it with the updated permissions in SM, but no dice. I'll have smuggo redo its auth again and see what happens.
I'm not sure what you mean about the administrator user. Did you mean to say smuggo couldn't create because I was not running as administrator? But I was running as admin because I could manually make the directory whereafter smuggo was able to write its .json files there.
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Have you upgraded your SmugMug account to the new SmugMug (new as in a couple of years ago they revamped everything)? That's the only thing I can think of, right now.
As another test, login to SmugMug and try typing this into your browser:<album key>
Replace <album key> with the key of one of your albums. You should get lots of information back on the given album.
Also try this:<user name>!albums
This is what smuggo does to list your albums. Replace <user name> with your SmugMug user name.
I didn't realize the album key was different than the key that is in the web url (I'm glad too as that would have been a security issue otherwise). I was able to retrieve a list of albums, but it was only 50 of my albums and sadly the one I wanted wasn't listed. Do you know the api call to get the key for just a particular album?
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By far this is one of the most useful command line applications I've ever used for SM.
My use case is to put smuggo on a network drive and then have any system use it to upload. So far, I've run into a 'Error uploading: Post x509: certificate signed by unknown authority' error when copying the .smuggo directory to the appropriate place on another system. Any ideas? This is the last thing I need working to make smuggo the key component in my use case.
One suggestion I have is for smuggo keep its .json files in the same path as itself or have an option to specify where the .json files are located. This would make the application truly portable and also make it easy to use with multiple SM accounts.
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I'm not sure why you're getting that particular error when you copy the .smuggo folder to another system. Assuming the .json files weren't corrupted, then it should just work. I'll add specifying the folder to look for the .json files onto the to-do list.
Regarding finding an album's key, you can use the search functionality. I noticed that SmugMug changed the response data for search, so the current smuggo version's search is broken. I have a code fix, but need to find time to make a new release.
In the meantime, you can use the API web page to search:!search Scroll down to the Options section and you can fill in the form to search. Put your user name in the Scope textbook to confine the search to your albums.
I'll do some more experiments with the .smuggo folder and the .json files. It's strange because the two systems are literally identical, so I didn't expect an error at all. Thank you for considering my feature request. I'm sure I"ll be your biggest beta tester in a short while.
I found a quick way using the api to find the album key. If I have a chance I'll post it here for others to use if need be.
Thank you for the terrific tool. As I type this, my originals are copying and once they're compared with the memory card, I just have to press enter and smuggo will use 6 threads and send them on their way.
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Thank you in advance for your responses.
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Multi-upload uses goroutines. It's similar to traditional threads except it uses Go's scheduler and less resources than traditional threading. I think multiple instances of smuggo would use more resources, but not be any faster. I wouldn't use any more goroutines or smuggo instances than you have cores. I think you'll run into your upload bandwidth limitation of your ISP before you hit the limit of your system.
However, this is all speculation. I haven't done any speed tests since I don't transfer more than say, 100 images, at a time.
These days, the upload bandwidth is there, and a single system could do the job if there was efficiency in the upload process. I thought I had noticed an improvement in upload speed with smuggo. I'll have to quantify it at some point by doing some tests.
In the meantime, I have another feature request. When an upload fails, smuggo displays the error message and condition, and I'm assuming that on the SM end, they discard the data since it wasn't a complete photo/video, correct?
It would be nice if there was a 'retry' parameter where you could tell smuggo to try x amount of times or 'U' for unlimited. This way, my set and forget upload really becomes set and forget. So far I have to run the SM uploader after smuggo to piece up any errored out.
There's a couple of other applications for smuggo that might be useful since they were needed back in the day. One was a duplicate file finder with delete capabilities. You could tell smuggo to check for duplicates in a particular gallery and it would return a set of 'duplicates' that you can select to delete or not delete, or delete all. Not exactly sure how to do this on command line besides the find duplicate part.
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Please let me know what you find if and when you do performance tests.
Right, SmugMug will discard any failed uploads. Retries sounds like a good idea.
Regarding duplicates. I think a hash can be sent for each image, as it's uploaded, so the upload will be rejected if the image already exists in the album. Would that meet your needs? That fits in well within the confines of a command line application.
I saw the hash feature in the api documentation. That would allow a 'skip duplicates' type of feature in smuggo, which would be great.
But what I was talking about in terms of duplicates, was a way to find out if duplicates exist in a gallery. I don't know how well the SM uploaders work today, but a few years ago when I was regularly uploading 2000+ pieces of media every weekend, invariably there would be a duplicate file every so often that would be tedious to find. I had a script written that used the old api that would go through a gallery and check the filename of a particular file with the previous filename, thereby finding duplicates. These files would have different hashes if one of the files was partially uploaded to SM, and it was still processed (which seems to still happen as I saw this behavior recently). A simple command that would reveal each set of duplicate would help someone find that potential duplicate in a gallery of thousands of images.
I'll see if I can't dig up my old script and see if it still works or share the pseudocode with you.
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I checked my upload code and noted that I already include the MD5 hash as well as the number of bytes to expect. Given that I'm providing that, I would expect SmugMug to reject a failed upload. However, I also expected it to reject duplicates for the same reason.
Have you seen partial or corrupted uploads using smuggo?
BTW, I uploaded v0.2 to GitHub today. This release just has a fix for search.