Had a few flying bugs about in a brief spell of sunshine the other day. A bluebottle feeding feeding on some sugar/honey syrup on a camellia bush.
5dmk2/MPE-65/430Ex flash
Brian V.
We are getting some sunshine but with strong winds.
We have another frost this morning.
I find a lot of species of moss in strong growth but none with reproductive structures at present. I should go in search of lichens.
Thanks Harold for the comments.
Yes we have had a few frosts now. If the sun stays out it normally means I'll find some flies/hoverflies about around noon.
I like the textures and details.
We are getting some sunshine but with strong winds.
We have another frost this morning.
I find a lot of species of moss in strong growth but none with reproductive structures at present. I should go in search of lichens.
Thanks Harold for the comments.
Yes we have had a few frosts now. If the sun stays out it normally means I'll find some flies/hoverflies about around noon.
Brian v.