Lightbox slow - anyone else or just me?

Has anyone noticed the lightbox, and specifically going left/right in it, is very slow of late. For the last week or so, the images in the lightbox paint at what almost looks like dialup speed.
My connection remains nicely fast. It tests at 124/21 locally, and I tested it all the way to San Francisco and it tested at 50/20 with 84ms and 1ms jitter. The collage landscape scrolls more or less at normal speed (occasionally it will pause briefly).
And the lightbox is instant if it's cached, if it is an image I recently looked at.
But others can take 0-30 seconds to completely paint, and looks rather erratic. Some are instant (even ones not cached), but some are top-down, slow and then obviously do some kind of interlaced paint where it goes from blurry to sharp.
I've tried both Chrome and IE.
Smugmug status always shows no issue when I check it.
Anyone else seeing this?
My connection remains nicely fast. It tests at 124/21 locally, and I tested it all the way to San Francisco and it tested at 50/20 with 84ms and 1ms jitter. The collage landscape scrolls more or less at normal speed (occasionally it will pause briefly).
And the lightbox is instant if it's cached, if it is an image I recently looked at.
But others can take 0-30 seconds to completely paint, and looks rather erratic. Some are instant (even ones not cached), but some are top-down, slow and then obviously do some kind of interlaced paint where it goes from blurry to sharp.
I've tried both Chrome and IE.
Smugmug status always shows no issue when I check it.
Anyone else seeing this?
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Cheers, Sar
I'll keep experimenting, but something is definitely different for me. Geographical issue?
If I open the lightbox by clicking on an image in Collage Landscape, then use the right arrow to cycle through, it is slow. As I write this it is very slow, and paints down from top to bottom and "firms up" in three phases of increasing clarity.
BUT... if I run the slide show on the same gallery and same screen, and use those right arrows to "hurry" it along, it moves quickly. Well, it still has that 1-2 second transition, but that transition starts quickly and is consistent, and the new image is up quicker there consistently than it is in the lightboox (at least frequently the lightboox is much slower).
Is there something different about how the CDN's and/or retrieval of the photos work in the gallery slideshow (the default one from clicking "slideshow") and how the retrieval works when using the right arrow in the lightboox? The look is identical of the screen, but it's obviously a bit different as one has a slow transition.
For me it is more bad than good. Once in a while it is decent, once in a great while normal. Yesterday it was so bad as to be completely unusable, I'd see 40 seconds to load lightbox and even then it would hang and never complete.
While I looked at a sniffer for a bit I saw lots of retransmissions and packet losses to cloudflare (their CDN, I think their new CDN). It's not my link per se, other sites and photo sites work fine, I get instant response on them (I'm on a 120/20 mbs link). It's just awful for Smugmug only.
I'm amazed it is so specific; if it was this bad for everyone people would be screaming. I think Cloudflare is just sick in some locations. Was it Akamai before? Maybe this is a budget service for cost savings?
When I get some time going to try some other locations around town, see if it's ISP specific or something. But there's clearly a network issue for me, not a server response issue.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
But... but... why would I see Cloudflare as the target of browser requests then? Aren't they the new one?
All of these show as IP's owned by Cloudflare:
Are they the outgoing CDN?
I have confirmed that other people in my general area (just talked to someone about 10 miles away) have the same problem with my photos.
And none of you are suffering similar problems? It's just me?
Leftquark, any comment on the CDN change, not-yet, and Cloudflare above I posted?
This really needs to be fixed, my web site is simply not usable tonight, at least from here. If you go to full screen and browse through photos, it takes 30-40 seconds and even then often fails.
It is not my computer (tried several) or my internet connection (had other people in the area try it).
It appears regional. I logged into a client site in Chicago, RDP'd to a windows system there, and browsed from there. It's a little hard to tell as RDP is slow to there, but it was consistently about 3-4 seconds per image, none of the very irregular display I see, and no 40 second display at all.
And I'm still seeing failures just to ping the CDN. Here's an example:
I realize you cannot KNOW from the above that is not from my computer, but trust me -- it's not. It fails in this geography, not just me.
We did get a report of daily peak slowness between Cmcast and CloudFlare's Miami node. They did some maintenance yesterday that was supposed to help, but looks like it may not have solved the problem.
Can you send along the output of:
(you can replace with the SM or custom domain being used, for example:
If that isn't loading then there's probably some networking issue, so a traceroute+ping would be useful:
ping -c 120
Finally, if you're really feeling fancy this chrome extension shows the ray-id from the headers, which can sometimes be useful. You can look in chrome->view->developer tools->network, browse around until you hit something slow, and send us the headers for the slow resource (if it's just a sporadic slowness)
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Initial question 1/19 @ 9:47pm ET answered quickly at 1/19 @ 9:59pm saying turning over to ops.
Followup query 1/20 @ 3:38pm ET - no reply
Followup query 1/24 @ 7:43pm ET - no reply
Followup query 1/28 @ 10:22pm ET - no reply
I vastly appreciate that you come to the forums, but really we shouldn't have to do this all in public to get attention, why are they not answering emails?
(Yes, I've checked my junk folder, not there either).
Answers to your questions coming up.
Output of trace:
Ping (and please note that in prior replies there were a lot missing so it is better right now)
I installed it, but I doubt it is useful right now as performance is decent. However, right now the ray ID for my site is 26c61f38e9092e9f listed as Miami.
I also checked and those complaining about performance of my site (who have responded so far) are all on Comcast. It's a small sample set so it may not be that helpful, but Comcast has a huge part of the market here as the other vendor, which is Centurylink DSL, is pretty bad.
More to follow if it gets bad later today.
It looks like your ticket got turned over to the Ops team, and they're not on the desk as frequently as the Heroes are. Sebastian did mention it might take some time for them to respond. Your best bet, in these situations, is to send a separate request in, to get the status. I've asked the heroes to pop onto the ticket and take a peak, though it's good that things appear to be a bit better right now. Let us know if things degrade.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
So what's the final answer -- is Cloudflare the old, or the new CDN? Did the switchover occur, or is it still coming?
CloudFlare is the old one. The switchover hasn't occurred yet. I'll make a bigger post when it does!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Note I used to go through Miami, now it is all the way up in Atlanta (I am in far SW Florida).
Cloudfire IP:
Ray ID: 27f2436ec1c40d25
uag=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/49.0.2623.75 Safari/537.36
Should I open a ticket, or is this just hopeless with a lame duck CDN?