Website displays ok on iPhone 6+ but not on iPad
Just realized my website does not display properly on an iPad (it did previously). Displays fine on iPhone. Not sure what happened. Any suggestions? Website link is in my sig, thanks!
It looks fine on the iPad setting
Have you tried it on a second iPad just to eliminate that it may be just that iPad?
If you have your own css-code for mobile use I would probably start to deactivate that and see if it helps - if I am not completely mistaken Smugmug has some in the background to resize the photos automatically and those two might collide with each other - especially since you have to go by resolution and with the new displays you get double (or more) the resolution on a 10 inch screen than what you got pre-retina...
If that doesn't help, I guess you'll have to send a message to the smug mug heroes to see if they can fix it / help you fix it.
Good luck
Lille Ulven
@Lille, I hired a company to customize my site...they did all the css coding. I know nothing about css coding so don't know how to deactivate it. How do I do that? I believe the company did write some code to optimize the site for mobile/tablet use.
I did send a msg to the heros (prior to posting here) and they said they couldn't help.
you would have to log into your site and then choose "customize -> content and design" from the top menu added by smug mug.
You'll probably find a couple of CSS blocks on different levels (Entire Site, All Folders, All Galleries ...). To deactivate one of them in parts you can use the comment-signs /* to start a comment and */ to end one.
For example let's say you would find the following css:
to deactivate it you would change it to this:
If you find any other comments within what you want to deactivate you would have to remove their ending comment-signs (or add a new opening comment-sign) as you cannot "box" comments in css.
I hope this helps you a little bit on the way.
But to be honest: you payed for them to do the work, send them a message that something is not working and ask them to fix this...if they have "just" delivered this should be free within your testing period.
Best of luck
Lille Ulven
So apparently...there is this javascript that Smugmug granted access ONLY to the customizer that designed/created my site. That customizer is no longer supporting Smugmug, and can't help me. Smugmug will not grant me or another customizer direct access to that code. Smugmug did provide the code in an email/text format and will make any requested adjustments. Seems awfully inefficient/hard to troubleshoot the problem with my website if I have to submit adjustments to see if the adjustment will correct the problem.
Any suggestions?