CSS optimization

As part of my redesign I have lots of extra CSS, and I'm wondering if there is any benefit in putting all of my CSS into the "theme CSS" which applies to the whole site.
SM seems to use multiple CSS files, so my thinking is all the extra CSS on each page is another file to load. If I can combine all of my CSS into one file it *might* save a few seconds of load time & render time.
Or am I over thinking this?
SM seems to use multiple CSS files, so my thinking is all the extra CSS on each page is another file to load. If I can combine all of my CSS into one file it *might* save a few seconds of load time & render time.
Or am I over thinking this?
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start applying to specific areas/widgets. And if you change themes you lose it without transferring
to new theme and removing CSS rules that affected the old theme.
I put CSS that applies to every page in "entire site"
CSS that only applies to folders in "all folders"
CSS that only applies to galleries in "all galleries"
Pages are already "Just This Page" so CSS goes in "Just This Page"
Or any other gallery/folder made "Just This ..." in "Just This ..."
Homepage CSS goes in "Homepage" CSS
Makes it a lot easier finding specific rules affecting specific areas.
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