Keywords problem
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
I just tried adding keywords to multiple items in the gallery organizer and my browser just hangs and freezes. I tried both chrome and firefox, the same thing happens. My internet connection is fine. I have to reload the page which sends me back to the gallery page.
I can move/collect photos easily, that doesn't seem to be affected but a lot of my galleries are smart galleries that rely on keywording.
I dump all my photos from Lightroom into a 'new photos' gallery and then move/collect/keyword from there. This bug (if it is a bug and not just me ) is a bit of a pain.
I just tried adding keywords to multiple items in the gallery organizer and my browser just hangs and freezes. I tried both chrome and firefox, the same thing happens. My internet connection is fine. I have to reload the page which sends me back to the gallery page.
I can move/collect photos easily, that doesn't seem to be affected but a lot of my galleries are smart galleries that rely on keywording.
I dump all my photos from Lightroom into a 'new photos' gallery and then move/collect/keyword from there. This bug (if it is a bug and not just me ) is a bit of a pain.
(I put this thread in the smugmug support forum but just realised it may be better here..........apologies for double posting)
Anyone else experiencing this problem?
I just tried adding keywords to multiple items in the gallery organizer and my browser just hangs and freezes. I tried both chrome and firefox, the same thing happens. My internet connection is fine. I have to reload the page which sends me back to the gallery page.
I can move/collect photos easily, that doesn't seem to be affected but a lot of my galleries are smart galleries that rely on keywording.
I dump all my photos from Lightroom into a 'new photos' gallery and then move/collect/keyword from there. This bug (if it is a bug and not just me ) is a bit of a pain.
You might want to try the bulk editor provided by Sherlock Photography, You will need to use the Chrome browser to use this tool.
You should also be aware that you can add the keywords and captions in Lightroom instead of adding them after the fact in your smug galleries. That means that the words are attached to the photo no matter where you use the photos.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Just fyi, I have the same problem. End up having to refresh the web page to free things up.
Also looking at the Chrome option and the use of Lightroom. I'm beginning to think SM is great for display but may not have robust tools for database management.
The chrome extension is OK, it works well adding keywords but isn't as easy as the regular gallery organizer page (or maybe I'm not used to it).
I should add keywords more from Lightroom I guess, then I can just forget about them as soon as I upload.