'Organize Site' page does not load.
Hello Support Heros,
The 'Organize Site' page will not load. I've recently purchased a new Retina 5k 27 in Mac and have had several other display issues. I've had this problem before and know I've received help to fix it, but I can't remember how, and I can't find that thread here in the forum. www.karenlarsen.smugmug.com
Thanks as always,
The 'Organize Site' page will not load. I've recently purchased a new Retina 5k 27 in Mac and have had several other display issues. I've had this problem before and know I've received help to fix it, but I can't remember how, and I can't find that thread here in the forum. www.karenlarsen.smugmug.com
Thanks as always,
The Organizer on your site loads for me without problems. If that's not displaying for you, that could be caused by some issue in your browser cache, or possibly with some browser extension that's interfering. What I might recommend would be to 1) temporarily disable any extensions you are using in your browser, 2) log out of your SmugMug account, and 3) clear your browser's cache and close/restart your browser. Then, try logging in again and see if you can access the Organizer normally. It may also be a good test to try accessing your Organizer in a different browser, like Firefox or Chrome to see if the issue is browser-specific.
Hope this helps!
SmugMug Support Hero