
Patagonia, Arizona, and environs

CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
edited February 22, 2016 in Landscapes
From this past weekend. The fourth strains the definition of "landscape" but, heck, there's land in it. :D










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    StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited February 16, 2016
    Lovely set Don! #4 might be my favorite! The tree shots are wonderful and despite being full.....don't feel busy.....wonderful and delicate light in them!
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    sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,834 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    Nice set, Don. I like the light in 1 & 3 and the vastness of #2. Love that rust in #4, although had it been me I might have considered using a lower angle and pointed the camera slightly more to the left so that the peak of the roof and the back of the car weren't cut off.

    Cheers, Sara
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    CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    Taz, Sara, thank you. Sara, the car was so situated that there was no good time of day or angle for shooting it. A fence precluded a lower angle, distractions were just to the left, etc. I scouted it at different times for over a day before concluding that there really wasn't a good solution, and this seemed best.
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    sarasphotossarasphotos Registered Users Posts: 3,834 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    Ah, I thought there might have been mitigating circumstances!
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    CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    Isn't it irritating when the world doesn't organize itself to please photographers?
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    JuanoJuano Registered Users Posts: 4,884 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    I like the sense of space in #2. My favorite of the set.
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    CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
    edited February 17, 2016
    Thanks, Cristobal. That one is better than I expected when I took it.
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    denisegoldbergdenisegoldberg Administrators Posts: 14,275 moderator
    edited February 17, 2016
    I like the patterns in # 3.

    --- Denise
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    EiaEia Registered Users Posts: 3,627 Major grins
    edited February 18, 2016
    #1 is my favorite. I love trees and the lighting is terrific! Love it!
    #2 I agree.... the vastness of the west is here!!! I like the b/w conversion. Did you decide on that because the light was harsh?

    This is a great series.
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    CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
    edited February 18, 2016
    Denise, thanks. Eia, the second was infrared, chosen because it was about 1:00 PM and the light was unattractive. I figured infrared had the best chance.
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    JonaBeth RussellJonaBeth Russell Registered Users Posts: 1,065 Major grins
    edited February 22, 2016
    Beautiful set. My favorite is #2!
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    bristleconebristlecone Registered Users Posts: 451 Major grins
    edited February 22, 2016
    I had to look up Patagonia. Looks like a great part of Arizona. We once drove from Tucson to Whitewater Draw, so I guess we were close? Good stuff here Don.
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    CornflakeCornflake Registered Users Posts: 3,346 Major grins
    edited February 22, 2016
    JonaBeth, thank you!

    Len, it's an area my wife and I like a lot. I've never really gone on a photographic outing there... just long weekends with my wife, which are very different things. I should.
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