RAW files - CR2 etc
I just tried uploading my first collection of photographs to SmugMug. It rejected all the .CR2 files as unrecognized. Does this mean that SmugMug will not archive any raw files, or just a few formats?
Deal breaker!
Deal breaker!
I was hoping to find cloud storage for my camera originals, which are mainly in raw formats. Is there a good alternative to Smugmug that you can recommend?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Smugmug used to offer such a feature but I think decommissioned it.
If you are an Amazon Prime member, their cloud drive is free for photographs (not videos though) and does recognize raw, at least Nikon raw, I assume Canon as photographs. Unlimited. But awkward to use as a backup in some fashion, it's more intended as live storage, smartphone uploads, etc. However some vendors (Goodsync is one) are providing backup software that supports it.
Amazon S3 and Glacier storage works great, but is priced by the gigabyte (Glacier is very reasonable though). You need a backup program (I like Cloudberry for that - doesn't work with the Cloud Drive though).
The above are two that are storage only and you figure out how to manage it. Then there are a bazillion other plans such as mentioned above that sell the whole thing combined. You'll need to look at each and price for your situation, but also take them all with a grain of salt - the cheap/free ones all have some gimmick somewhere, and the "unlimited for one price" ones tend to also have a catch, like throttling your upload speeds if you actually try to store a lot there.
Smugmug, in my opinion, is about sharing and sales, is not really a backup medium even for JPG's. I mean it has a copy of them, sure, but it's not oriented as a backup. (That's a personal opinion, I have no connection with them other than as a customer).
I've heard great things about Smugmug, but what happens when I post photos of a family occasion, and someone else wants to post her photos as well? Does she have to be a (paid) member of Smugmug?
See help page Can guests upload photos to my site?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Bob C