
Horsetail Fall 2016

shniksshniks Registered Users Posts: 945 Major grins
edited February 29, 2016 in Landscapes
Hi all,

For those of you thinking about visiting Horsetail Fall - GO NOW! This year the fall has been flowing with a good flow, but the phenomenon has been marred this past few days by low lying clouds that obscure the sun as it sets. However, this week, the weather seems great and it's your last chance to capture this event for this year (the past four years, the falls have run almost dry due to the drought). One issue with this fall getting so much publicity (and 4 years of no action), has been the crazy amount of people that show up. Last Friday I left LA around midnight and arrived at the location around 7 AM (with some stops on the way). I was the first one there, but by 8.30 AM there were at least 20 other photographers. By sunset, there were over 250 or so people to witness this event. We were treated to the event on Friday - however the sun was hidden by clouds on and off (and thus the sunlight falling on the falls, wasn't very rich). I got a couple of decent shots on Friday, including this one below:


I wanted to go again when there would be clear sky to capture the full extent of the event - thus I went on a whirlwind trip to Yosemite yesterday (left midnight from LA and was back by midnight). Yesterday's show was just incredible - the light was amazing and there was a soft breeze blowing which sent out a lot of spray (that was backlit when the sun set). Here is one shot from yesterday (not one with the spray, but will give you an idea).


And a couple with the spray:



If you can go to see it, go today or sometime this week. You might not see this event again for a while (if the drought persists in the next few years).



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