Examples of good self-driven stock photography pages on SmugMug.
Hey all!
Do you sell stock from within your own site? I'm looking for inspiring examples of a nice stock page; I feel that Smugmug lacks some of the smooth stock features of other platforms.
I sell stock images, but not on microstock sites. Currently I direct my existing clients to one of a series of self-contained stock pages on my SmugMug site.
I would like to redesign this, OR move my stock to a better platform somewhere else, where I can still self-manage images. Here's an example (it's sloppy right now...in construction): http://www.brokenbanjo.net/Stock/
Do you sell stock from within your own site? I'm looking for inspiring examples of a nice stock page; I feel that Smugmug lacks some of the smooth stock features of other platforms.
I sell stock images, but not on microstock sites. Currently I direct my existing clients to one of a series of self-contained stock pages on my SmugMug site.
I would like to redesign this, OR move my stock to a better platform somewhere else, where I can still self-manage images. Here's an example (it's sloppy right now...in construction): http://www.brokenbanjo.net/Stock/
If I enter one of your stock galleries and peruse a few photos, there is no easy way back to the top level Stock folder. You might consider adding a link to the top of the page.
Your galleries don't show a title or a breadcrumb. If a potential buyer has a question, how will he or she tell you what gallery is being viewed? The URL works, but it would be better to see a title.
On the gallery view of the photos, the "buy photos from this gallery" takes me to a print purchase page. Unfortunately the only way I know to take the viewer directly to the download purchase page is not to sell prints from the gallery. Two of the three galleries in your Stock folder need pricing changes to take the viewer to the purchase download page.
A slideshow at the top of a gallery usually tells me there isn't anything else on the page so I don't bother to scroll down. Why the slideshow at the top of the agriculture and homesteading page?
Some of the entries on your stock page don't show featured photos because the galleries are empty. If there are no photos in the gallery I would suggest making it unlisted. It looks unprofessional for a potential buyer on your site to be taken to an empty gallery.
One of the entries on your stock page shows a large "proof" watermark. Why?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com