Disable lightbox for phone and tablet?
Hi, I've got my lightbox more or less working the way I want it to - with a margin around the image (the caption alignment and spacing still needs work), but it doesn't work at all well on my iPhone or iPad - image doesn't center, glitchy functionality etc. I'd just as soon disable it as fix it. The way I've got it configured, just scrolling through the galleries works much better - even the captions look OK. If anyone can tell me how to disable the lightbox for the iPhone and iPad, but keep it as-is for the PC, I would very much appreciate it.
Others are much more CSS savy than me, so might fix this up a bit, but something like this, where you put your changes inside of a qualifier so that they only come into effect in that case. Here's a sample from mine, where I want certain things to happen at different size screens:
The first line is default. Then the subsequent lines take effect (and supersede the one before) if the screen size is at or under the given pixel width. So say I had a 700 pixel phone, the next to the last line would take effect but not the last line.
There are other media types and qualifiers, a lot depends on what kind of thing you are trying to fix, specifically on mobile devices, or on small screens (my guess is the latter which is why I gave this example).
Basically this becomes a bracket which says "ignore what I wrote if the screen size is over X".
These can be fairly specific and complex though. A good guide is here.
What I'd do is wrap all your stuff up in something that fires only when you want it to -- let it not fire otherwise, then it will revert to Smugmug.
Inside the brackets, you can put lots of stuff, you do not use a separator (other than a space), so you list your tags (classes, ID's, etc.), in brackets what you want to apply, then just go into the next tag.
I should note media rules may have unpredictable behavior on really old browsers.