And just because there is still confusion out in the world...
Right Click Protection is rather like a "Keep out" sign rather than a locked door - it will only keep seriously honest, or seriously dumb people out. It is easily defeated in any number of ways. That's not Smugmug's fault, it is how the internet works.
Limiting the file size to something you are willing to have stolen is the best solution. Watermarks a half-way measure (lots of techniques for removing them now also).
Honestly I think sites should stop offering it, as I think it gives some people a false sense of security, but it has become part of the culture (as has having someone jump into every conversation to mention this )
Honestly I think sites should stop offering it, as I think it gives some people a false sense of security, but it has become part of the culture (as has having someone jump into every conversation to mention this )
That's partially why we switched the name of it from "Right Click Protection" to "Right Click Message", since it really isn't a protection. We do our best to protect your photos, from allowing watermarks, to limiting photo sizes, to displaying the "spacer.gif" when people try to right click, etc.
To my knowledge, when you use the "right-click protection", SM adds a transparent image. I don't use it, so I can't say for sure.
Images in the Backcountry
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If you turn the RIGHT CLICK MESSAGE in the gallery settings - see my screenshot:
SmugMug will place a 1px x 1px image over your photo so it cannot be saved to the desktop by dragging the image or by right clicking on it.
PS. For this to work - your MAXIMUM VIEWING SIZE option, in the gallery settings section should not be set to ORIGINAL.
Right Click Protection is rather like a "Keep out" sign rather than a locked door - it will only keep seriously honest, or seriously dumb people out. It is easily defeated in any number of ways. That's not Smugmug's fault, it is how the internet works.
Limiting the file size to something you are willing to have stolen is the best solution. Watermarks a half-way measure (lots of techniques for removing them now also).
Honestly I think sites should stop offering it, as I think it gives some people a false sense of security, but it has become part of the culture (as has having someone jump into every conversation to mention this
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website: