Search for photos by date

I do have another kind of weird date-issue...
When you do a search by date (by using your sites url followed by /date like this: ) the date in question is definitively not the "date taken" from the photo but possibly some "date modified"... I have to call it "some date modified" as I am pretty certain that I did do some more work to a photo which I managed to find with this function.
This photo is taken January 2013, almost 18 month before it shows in the "photo by date finder". If someone was to read my blog and found out "hey I would like to see more photos from this particular travel-date" that visitor would with the photo-by-date finder not in 10 years be able to locate all photos from this particular date. No chance. And to be honest even I don't have a chance to find one of my photos by date with this link.
Could this be changed or maybe get customizable so that we can choose which date should be used from all those dates that come with the exif-information of a photo?
Thanks in advance.
(Yes I could send this as a feature request, but I am out of votes, so I need to wait until some nice developer -- there are of course only nice developers -- will code some of my other (supported) feature requests)
Lille Ulven
When you do a search by date (by using your sites url followed by /date like this: ) the date in question is definitively not the "date taken" from the photo but possibly some "date modified"... I have to call it "some date modified" as I am pretty certain that I did do some more work to a photo which I managed to find with this function.
This photo is taken January 2013, almost 18 month before it shows in the "photo by date finder". If someone was to read my blog and found out "hey I would like to see more photos from this particular travel-date" that visitor would with the photo-by-date finder not in 10 years be able to locate all photos from this particular date. No chance. And to be honest even I don't have a chance to find one of my photos by date with this link.
Could this be changed or maybe get customizable so that we can choose which date should be used from all those dates that come with the exif-information of a photo?
Thanks in advance.
(Yes I could send this as a feature request, but I am out of votes, so I need to wait until some nice developer -- there are of course only nice developers -- will code some of my other (supported) feature requests)
Lille Ulven - The Photos of my travels
Edit: found it
My Website index | My Blog
In this case I have to say there must be more wrong to the date-search-function than just taking "date uploaded".
This because, if I am not completely off by an entire year, I started my website in March 2014 (definitively not March 2015 but reasonably certain not in 2013). Until November the search with dates from January onward finds exactly 1 photo, while I am certain that I added way more in the first few days of my website's existence.
Well let's hope it will be fixed soon
Lille Ulven
Thanks, Ferguson.
I will do so tomorrow - if I don't hear anything else until then. (Just back from a weekend without internet but lots of new photos and a challenging headache, so all I want right now is my bed
I will keep you posted about the outcome.
Lille Ulven
We could also switch it to "Date Taken" instead of "Date Uploaded" but we've been telling everyone that it's "Date Uploaded" for the last 2 years and I'm reluctant to change which photos are shown, since people may have shared links expecting it to show a certain set of images.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
And I want the newest photos shown first.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Sorting within the date range...good question I think the best option would be let the user choose between descending and ascending, if I enter the date range "dec 2014 - February 2015" I would expect the dec photos to show first. But then that's what I am used to from database programming...
Lille Ulven
My Website index | My Blog
date created/digitized could be used.
My Website index | My Blog
This puzzles me because in my long usage of the /date/ page, it selects images based on Date Taken (and I hope it stays that way). Example: -- which I know I didn't upload until at least 2009 because that's when I joined SmugMug. (I can't see Date Uploaded in the Info box, but my source files were last modified 2010-2012.)
Since this changes how things have been done for the past 2 years, we need to find out how to best communicate it with our beloved SmugMuggers. This might mean that the actual change gets delayed until April or May, when we have enough time to get it into our Newsletter (which is the most popular way for reaching our customers). However, if you'd like a quicker fix, see below...
There used to be a toggle in legacy that allowed the owner to set their preference for the /date/ page, to use either "Date Taken" or "Date Uploaded". When we went from Old SmugMug to New SmugMug we got rid of the toggle (not sure why) and but did continue to sort by the setting that the user had previously set. In your case, Big Red, you had previously set it to "Date Taken", so we're using that.
For Denise and anyone else: If you'd like me to toggle the setting for you, just let me know and I can have one of the Engineers toggle it. I'm still looking to see if we have a URL that can help toggle it.
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Can one of the engineers check to see how it is set on my site? If it is not already set that way (and I think it might be based on a quick perusal of a set of dates) then please have them set the sort to date taken.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
I would love a URL to dynamically toggle it, if that's at all possible. When I'm searching, I would like it to sort by date taken. Mine is currently using "date uploaded", which I occasionally find useful when I'm making sure I finished all the steps in my workflow...I can use the "date uploaded" sort to remember the most recent galleries I uploaded...unless there is an easier way to find the most recent photos/galleries uploaded.
Lille Ulven
See my page here
My Website index | My Blog
Looks like Heroes beat me to it. We've toggle you to use "Date Taken"!
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
One tiny thing though: on the date search page the first year-button is "All 0" considering the other buttons display the year and the number of photos in brackets some people might assume "All" not to show a single photo. Could that "0" somehow got removed or actually the number of photos been added here too?
Have some great Easter days!
Lille Ulven
It looks like this is a known issue that we haven't had a chance to tackle. If you'd like to fix it immediately you can apply this CSS:
Former SmugMug Product Team
aaron AT aaronmphotography DOT com
My SmugMug CSS Customizations website:
Happy weekend
Lille Ulven
Thanks, Allen (And Nicholas, in absentia); that was just the trick I needed. I just added it to the bottom of my timeline page.
The US copyright office wants to know upon what date photos were "first published" when you register them with the copyright office. On SmugMug, this would likely be the date they were uploaded to a public gallery that had the shopping cart functionality activated. Or the date they were "published" if for whatever reason they were not visible when uploaded.
So I would hate to see "date uploaded" go away. On the contrary, it would be extremely useful to be able to see [at least by the account owner] both the EXIF data and the date uploaded associated with all of the images in a gallery.