D700 and accessories

71K clicks, most recent service/cleaning was done at 50.
Will be shipped in the original box, with at least two batteries.
Will include 16gb Ultra, 8gb Ultra and 8GB extreme Sandisk as well as 8gb 133x Kingston memory cards, and - naturally charger and the OEM strap.
works perfect; I just don't use it as I have a couple of d750 bodies.
Asking 800 NET and Shipped.
Will be shipped in the original box, with at least two batteries.
Will include 16gb Ultra, 8gb Ultra and 8GB extreme Sandisk as well as 8gb 133x Kingston memory cards, and - naturally charger and the OEM strap.
works perfect; I just don't use it as I have a couple of d750 bodies.
Asking 800 NET and Shipped.

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