SmugMug Nav Bar and Header Help, Please.

It has been a while since I have monkeyed with my site. That being siad, I would like to add the smugmug header and fill it in with content. Additionally, is there any way to reduce the spacing between nav bar buttons?
Thank you in advance....
Thank you in advance....
I really don't have anything nifty to say so I will remain quiet and observe!
You already are showing a logo and menu bar. You can add another menu bar if you'd like by simply editing your site (Customize... Content and Design... Entire site, then drag in another menu bar.
On your request to reduce the spacing between the nav bar entries, I'd recommend starting by removing the words "Click for " on every menu item. That will quickly give you more space. I always recommend starting with non-code solutions like this one before you start adding code to your site that you will need to maintain.
You might want to look at your site in a browser window that is not the full size of your monitor. I have a large monitor but I almost never have browser windows maximized. Your site shows with the menu overlapping your side bar.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you for your response. I can go to customize, content and design, settings and turn the SmugMug header on or off. Prsently, I have it off. I would like to turn it on and move the content in the upper left hand corner to the header. It is not a custom banner. I would like for the nav bar to remain in position. Additionally, you are correct. I could remove the "Click for" off the buttons and that would eliminate some of the space. I would like to move the buttons closer together. I also have the "Click for" text in the buttons for the geniuses that visit my page that don't realize you can click the button to go somewhere else on the page. It is a subtle "call to action". Ultimately my goal is to sell photos, but if you can't find your way around you aren't going to stick around. Everything has to be simple or no one hangs around. The coding I am enquiring about would help me clean some of the homepage clutter - unless my thinking is out of bounds. Again Thank you for your input....Tom
If you want content above your current menu then Customize... Content and Design... Entire site... and drag a content element box into the header area. That content element can be a logo or it can simply be a text or HTML content element. If you want to be able to format it nicely I'd recommend using an HTML content element.
Your "click to" action is not subtle but I don't believe it will convince your viewers to click - it's just more for them to (not) read. Repeating the same words in multiple locations makes them less important and less likely to be read. Keep your menu items simple. Rethink using "photo galleries" and "photo galleries II" - those names say nothing to your viewers.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at