
Mystic Swamp (Fakahatchee Strand)

Matt TilghmanMatt Tilghman Registered Users Posts: 130 Major grins
edited March 20, 2016 in Landscapes
Mystic Swamp

The swamps of South Florida have a peculiar type of beauty. Most people see scenes in great photographs or documentaries, and find it paralyzingly beautiful. But then they come, and usually are quite disappointed. Take this scene, taken in Fakahatchee Strand, near Janes Memorial Scenic Drive. I found the area to be quite beautiful. But if you read reviews of this location online, there's negative review after negative review, claiming this road does not deserve the title "Scenic Drive." I had the park mostly to myself this day, but I did pass a few other cars. Or rather, they passed me... going as fast as the dirt road would let them, with a cloud of dust so think that they probably could not see out of their windows. I suspect they were driving as fast as possible, hoping to come across a wide open vista staring them in the face, as one may expect to do in Yellowstone or Yosemite. That's not how it works here. The scenes of beauty are hiding, waiting to be uncovered. And often, even when you stop and look, the beauty doesn't hit you right away. It takes time for it all, the peculiarity and uniqueness of the whole experience, to sink in.

Thanks for looking!
check out my photos and photoshop blog: www.MattTilghman.com


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    SamSam Registered Users Posts: 7,419 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2016
    Nice image. I think this image screams for some HDR / blending to bring the sky in. :D

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    StumblebumStumblebum Registered Users Posts: 8,480 Major grins
    edited March 20, 2016
    Agree with Sam. Beautiful comp, but top feels blown out.
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